IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that these days many people believe that why. Why many people believe the high education it is important for good life but rather than must the people thinks not important to bring good qualifications t
in this present world, some people have different view especially about this issue that many people believe that education and high qualifications will bring succes, other think that it,s not required to achieve succes i
The opinion on whether educational qualifications bring success in life is divided. Some believe that they definitely do while others think in the opposite way. In my opinion, outstanding results are not likely to be ac
Many people hold the belief that higher education will bring great success while the other half do not agree with this notion. I personally believe that to reach great heights, it is not necessary to acquire such qualifi
Nowadays, there are individuals who believe that education and high qualifications will welcome success whereas others state that it's not required to achieve prosperity. This essay will discuss both views as well as giv
Nowadays,more and more people are concerned about educational certification,especially parents.They told their children,only a high educational certification can bring them success.While other people argued that it is
As educated people are highly respected in our society. But One group of people argues that high academic achievement equals more success while others this 6essay I will discuss both sides of this.
As a educated people, are highly respected on our society. But One group of people arguethat high acadamic achievement equal more success while other this essay i will discuss both side of this.
Some people find academic degrees or other training essential milestones for future success, while others believe that this does not guarantee future success and there are other relevant factors just as crucial. Personal
An educated person is highly respected in our society. One group of people argue that high academic achievement equals more success while others disagree. I agree with the former statement.
Whereas educational success is regarded as the prime factor in professional success by many people, others suggest that different reasons are to be held accountable as well. I strongly believe that several other aspects
Education plays a vital role in everybody's life. Some communities think that people will get success in their lives through education and higher degrees while some other communities argue with this matter and say that
There are conflicting views regarding the necessity of education for living a successful life. Some advocate that a person needs academic training to obtain her achievements, whereas others believe that it does not certa
There are conflicting views regarding the necessity of having the education to live a successful life. Some advocate that one needs education qualifications to be successful, whereas others believe that they do not certa
Education is critical. Everything that exists in this world can be learned. Educating ourselves is mandatory, despite there are people who do not have the same chance for experiencing formal education as in the school. H
There is a huge group of people who believe having educational qualifications is equal to success and there is another group that would disagree with that opinion.
There is an argument whether qualified education is essential for a fruitful future or not. Many raise the idea that numerous billionaires are not even graduated high school. In my opinion, both perspectives have their o
It is obvious that education can be beneficial for human beings and societies generally, yet, it is a matter of controversy when it comes to personal success in life. People’s opinions differ as to whether educational ac
It is asserted by some lead academy qualifications are a must in order to be successful in life. However, others advocate that for being successful it is not necessary to have educational qualifications. Both sides of th
In recent years, whether educational qualifications could always bring successful life is debatable. In this essay, I will discuss it and give my own opinion.
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