IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Ay the present time, many people spend more their time work and they are leaving very little time for leisure activities.
In fast_paced society, the workers have long_ work time with less Moment of activities Such as entertainment or leisure.This essay will shed light on both Benefits and drawbacks of this phenomena.
In our developed world, the majority of people have a tendency to devote considerable amount of time to working rather than to relax and unwind. However, from my point of view, there are several potential drawbacks which
In the current era, a lot of people think that they have to work as long as they can, and they do have not much time for leisure activities. I believe that the advantages of this new trend outweigh the disadvantages, and
Many Individuals have been working extended hours to pursue their career aspirations, sacrificing their time available for engaging in leisure activities. This essay will elaborate about the merits and demerits of this d
Many individuals have been working extended hours compromising on their spare time. This essay will evaluate the merits and de-merits of this routine life followed by an opinion.
I was shocked by china traffic system. China traffic system is very mordern, fast and convinient. You can see high-speeded train and subway everywhere in china. It is unblievable that it just takes 5 hours to go from sha
There are many people who tend to more time at effort and spend a short time in their free time, in my opinion, there are some advantages for them and they employ your life was more disadvantages for their speciality.
Hobbies are very important for an individual to lead a fulfilling life. The question of whether working long hours is beneficial for people has sparked a huge debate. As every coin has both sides , the current situation
Issues related to working long hours are frequently discussed these days. It is true that people's lifestyles today have been affected by work-life imbalance. Despite the fact that this trend has some advantages, I would
Nowadays, all over the world, working long hours instead of spending time on leisure activities is becoming very popular. While some people think advantages of working long hours exist, other people thinks there are dis
Nowadays, all over the world, working long hours in spite of spending time on leisure activities is becoming very popular. While some people think the advantages of working long hours exist, other people think there are
Nowadays, people have the mindset that working longer hours translates to having a higher chance at a raise or a promotion and hence struggle much more than the required time. This situation has more disastrous effects t
people devote most of their time to working long hours thus leaving very little time for leisure activities. This situation has both pros and cons linked to it but I think it has more disadvantages than the advantages.
According to the latest research on the internet, almost half of the corporate companies are not following 9-5 working hours. This culture is now used as a shelter in many industries. People are now more focused on putt
In the past couple of years, it has been noted that people tend to invest a lot of their time in working. Moreover, they do not keep a few hours for leisure activities in their daily routine. Through this passage, I woul
Nowadays, there is no doubt that quite a number of working people spent more time in the office than in entertainment and family. In my opinion, that can be both beneficial and harmful for the individual.
Humans have been working in various professions historically so that they can earn a living for themselves and for their families. Several workers give prolonged hours for their job and end up having very limited time fo
Many of them are trying to get success life. Therefore, they are working long hours without rest time. Because, extra time works, individuals are able to get more money. Thus, folk continue work; as a ,result society get
Working long hours and less leisure activities is considered a dangerous working style. People following such a practice can surely earn a lot more money and hence can afford an affluent lifestyle, but the prominent ques
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