IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In these recent years, people claim that they working under a major hour per day and have minimal hours for social life. As they found that they have no time for their family and friends. I agree to a certain that workin
Nowadays, working hard is very popular for many people. They are always busy going to parties and leisure activities. Although, it is caused by long work or study in their daily routine. In this essay I will compare plu
Nowadays we cannot deny the fact that the number of workers is growing up in the every year. But they are prefer to pay more attention to their work rather than their interests. And I believe that if you like your profes
Working for long hours leaves less time for entertaining activities.this essay will discuss two aspects in the following content.
It is noted that some people like to spend more time in their workplaces and little time for relaxation concerns. This essay will develop some merits and demerits of this trend. As far as I am in the favor of latter noti
Maintaining a good work-life balance is an essential part of the lifestyle. With regard, to this lot of people immensely work for a long stretch in order to succeed in their respective careers. But carrying out tirelessl
During this time people are obliged to work more hours to filled personal achievements instead of choosing spend more time with their families or even themselves. This essay considered that the negative aspects of this t
Nowadays, more and more people do not find enough time for leisure activities because of working long hours. In my opinion, being occupied in work with long hours has detrimental impacts on mental and physical health.
There is a widely held perception in many parts of the world today that today's people work long hours for their families. As a result, they are leaving very little time for leisure activities and other relaxing holiday
It is irrefutable fact that these days more and more people are working long hours. After that, they are giving their less time for leisure activities. I personally believe that the benefits of the statement are far outw
A large amount of folk leave without any hobbies and leisure time or they dedicate a brief time to these activities.In my opinion,it is not acceptable to just spend our age on all of our work except having fun ,though i
Nowadays, people tend to prioritize work over everything and they normally ignore the necessity of having downtime, because they consider it as an unimportant activity. However, if this perspective continues, w
Nowadays, people tend to prioritize work over everything and they normally ignore the necessity of having downtime, because they consider it as an unimportant activity. However, if this perspective continues, we can expe
The majority of people work very long hours and they only spend a very little amount of time for leisure activities. In my opinion, long working hours have more bad sides than good sides. This essay will discuss both ad
In today's society where we live, people is focus wokring long hours in order to have more money to spend in things they like and enjoy. There are a number of advantages and disvantages related to this issue that I will
Some people think that it is better to work long hours to earn more money and ignore that they do not have enough time to enjoy their life. I consider that demerits of this situation clearly more than merits as it makes
In today's world, many people have to work the most of day's hours to provide for their basic needs. therefore, they do not have enough spare time to devote to entertainment. I believe this trend has affected society neg
Working non-stop and spend no time for relax is arising issue in 21 centries. I strongly believe it results in various issues for people, such as health problem and family issues depite the money people might get in the
Working non-stop and spending no time to relax is arising issue in the 21st century. It results in various issues for people, such as health problems and family issues, despite the money people might get in the short ter
Numerous humans around the world work a long time of their lives , so they allocate less time to entertain themselves . in this essay , some pros and cons of this matter will be explained and a logical conclusion will
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