IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is no doubt that these days social communication methods changed with having cell phones and the internet. The question is, is the benefits of mobile phones and the internet regarding people socially outweigh the d
More and more people recently are depending on different means of technology to interact with others socially or professionally. While there is an advantage that could result from using cellular mobiles and data packages
Technology has taken a huge place in every individual's life that is developing day by day. Mobile phone and internet are two popular examples of technology. However, according to my perspective merits are more than deme
In this modern era, most people plan to have a first child at a later age. This trend is common popular among the society. I believe that finacial status, happy life, fullfill the needs these are behind the reasons. I th
Nowadays cellular phone and the internet play a major role in connecting people all over the world. In my opinion, there are a plethora of benefits because it makes people life more convenient and efficient which outweig
Nowadays cellular phone and the internet play a major role in connecting people all over the world. From my perspective, there are a plethora of benefits because it makes life more convenient and efficient which outweig
In a global, most of the married couple planning a baby at after some period of time.However, there are more reasons behind this.Despite its few benefits for younger couple,the recent evidence has brought a number of pro
In this contemporary world, technology plays a vital role in human lives . Internet and gadgets make life very easier and accessible not only in communication but also in many aspects such as education. According to my
In the modern world, cell phones coupled with the internet have emerged as a vital part of our life. By almost everyone today these are being used to stay connected with their near and dear ones socially. There are a lot
Nowadays the internet had been the main source of information and way to communicate. Through the mobile devices and network, people can judge and in consequence is also impact on relating to every individual. In that si
With the fast-paced life, nowadays, people choose to delay the necessity of having a baby and mostly in developed nations it is evident that young couples avoid having children for at least 5 years after their marriage.
There is no doubt that phones and the internet are considered as the most basic communication methods and it is impossible to imagine our world without them, Almost everyone has a telephone and access to the virtual life
Tourism has turned the world into a global village. English is one of the most spoken language in the world and eventually it will take over the whole world. Speaking the same language will result in better communication
Individuals in many nations globally have made the decision to conceive at a much later time in their lives and this may be due to the urge to be financially stable and mentally prepared before child birth.
Since, due to vast changes in development and people, mindsets too, nowadays many people decided to give birth to a child after a certain age. This happens due to many reasons like due to their lifestyle in todays worlds
Parenting is not an easy job to do, because of that some people choose to have a baby at a later age. The primary reason is that some people believe that parenting is a difficult job when they are struggling with their w
Nowadays, many couples are delaying in parenthood as the job market is saturated and resources are limited to a certain class in society, although it has many consequences which will be discussed in this essay and will b
Nowadays, many couples are delaying in parenthood as the job market is saturated and resources are limited to a certain class in society, although it has many consequences which will be discussed in this essay and wi
Nowadays, it is suggested that a couple should have children at a later age. This essay will elucidate the reasons for this and although there are several drawbacks, they are dwarfed by the benefits.
Recent years have seen mammoth of unforeseen innovations in the communication system - which has transformed free-spirited human beings to technologically savvy individuals; as a consequence, metamorphosed into a moot po
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