IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are many wild animals that are close to extinction or are likely to be listed as endangered today. It is believed that habitat loss, caused by climate change or over-exploitation, is the main reason for causing the
Recently,due to certain ,reasons a large number of animals are on the point of disappearing and others are at risk of being endangered.This issue occurred from two main factors.I will discuss them.However,solutions ex
We live in an age when many animals are on the brink of extinction, as the interest in illegal hunting and poaching is rising to a considerable extent. It happens for a variety of reasons. However, solutions exist to sol
There are so many varieties of animals across the earth and as we know in a different kind of environment means there will be different kinds of animals. as example penguins are supposed to live in cold areas such as the
Due to several diastrouses in the world, such as lack of water, erosion, and particularly over-hunting, the environment and its species have been affected badly. Even though a number of experts have examined this topic,
Nowadays tons of wild creatures are on the verge of extinction and others are also on the endangered list. The main cause of these is mankind and illicit hunting. However, including laws passed by the government and nat
Contemporary automotive technology is elaborating at such a fast pace, that it started too difficult to predict what awaits us in a nearest future and decades. This is an exciting time for imagination and experimentation
In this new era,it is observed that a lot of animal species have gone extinct and some animals are on the endangered list. While there are a number of reasons behind this, certain measures can be taken with a view to mi
A large number of wild species are on the brink of extinction and many others are on the endangered list. There are several reasons for the survival crisis. However, there are also certain steps we can take to resolve th
A large number of wild species are on the brink of extinction and many others are on the endangered list. There are several reasons for the wildlife crisis. However, there are also certain steps we can take to resolve th
It is clear that, over the years,there is an increasing number of animal species that are going extinct and others are getting endangered.This essay will discuss some of the reason why it is happening and propose some wa
Nowadays tons of wild animals are on the verge of extinction and others are also on the endangered list. The main cause of these is mankind and illegal hunting. However, including laws passed by the government and nation
Augmentative savage primates are on the utmost of evanescence and others are on the imperilled chart. This essay will first try to look at the biggest reasons which were behind this phenomenon. It will also suggest viabl
A growing number of wild species are on the brink of extinction and many others are on the endangered list. This essay will suggest that the principal reason for this issue is habitat loss and submit a public awareness p
The number of wild species in the extinction and endangered status is increasing over a period of time. There are several reasons linked to it such as deforestation, illegal poaching and human intervention to name a few.
Nowadays, a large number of animals are being diminished or even vanished. In this essay, I will discuss the cause of this social issue and how to solve it.
Over the last few decades, the extinction of wild animals as well as the significant fall in their population have been a controversial debate among people. It happens for a variety of reasons. However, feasible solution
Nowadays due to the large increase in ,population a lot of wild animals are on the edge of extinction and other animals are on the endangered list because of deforestation and the food they eat of animals.This essay is
Many species have been erased from the face of the earth and more are in the danger of same. Widespread afforestation for human dwellings combined with the hunting of exotic animals for various products has led to this
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