IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A half dosage of humans like to dining out in fancy restaurants and at food stands, however, others like to eat at home. From my point of view, eating out is trying to avoid the burden of cooking and cleaning up. Somehow
The issue of publishing e-books has turned into a controversial topic in this century. In this way some people believe that the rise of electronic books can have an important role in our society. while others have accept
In this contemporary epoch, it is a hotly debated issue over whether or not e-books are a better method for readers rather than paper books. I am of the opinion that e-books could render a lot of benefits for every indiv
Nowadays, e-books have become more popular across the globe whereas the decline in paper books. Some people support this change, however, others will not agree on this. This essay will discuss the both advantages and dis
In the past few years, e-books are becoming more and more common whereas, paper books have become mere shelf-decorating antiques. This essay will demonstrate how e-books are beneficial for the environment, but will also
Now we are leaving in the modern era and for that , the reason we do have not enough time for other types of work like cooking meals. Most of the family want to try to take a meal from outside. In my ,opinion is that th
Nowadays, people residing in different nations have hard contrasting views about eating at their homes or somewhere outside. Today most humans prefer buying food from restaurants. There are both advantages and disadvant
There is no doubt that these days ample people have been addicting to purchasing food from outside restaurants. The question is, what are the benefits and drawbacks of buying food more than making it at home? And what is
It is true that with the recent breakthroughs in science, we have got a replacement for paper books, and public opinion is divided on this matter. This essay will discuss the perceived benefits and drawbacks of this tren
It is irrefutable fact that an increasing more and more humans believe that using an e-book has been more common rather than paper one as they consider that is a good development for our society but others do not. Many i
There is no denying fact that the phenomenon of readymade food consumption is existed across the globe due to its importance. The majority of folks are in favour of this due to its number of merits. However, some other p
These days , more and more people prefer dining out or ready-to-go food over cooking at home for most of the time. This essay will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon.
Nowadays, personal independence is too modern . Many public say "any data and conversation should be open for societies and the authority must not curb all humans". In this essay, I will explain why I strongly disagree w
These days, some people prefer buying their meals instead of cooking at home. Many reasons for this trend, people feel it is much easier when they are busy and avoid wasting the time. This essay will try to identify the
It is a frequent topic of discussion. If e-books increase, paper books will decrease year by year. Some people feel that this is a good idea for the present time but others don't believe that. From my perspective everyth
In recent years,technology is developing and individuals prefer to read e-books rather than printed paper.In my opinion, one major problem is it can lead to various eye diseases moreover,people can easily acquire new kno
The main advantage of using e-books, rather than paper books, is because of reducing the number of non-biodegradables. In fact, only one e-book can contain 6,6 tons of paper which are discharged into the environment if t
There is a controversial phenomenon in which diet is the better way to receive in purchase food or cook at home.From my personal perspective, I believe that cooking at home brings more benefits to outweigh purchasing foo
Reading e-books is a growing trend nowadays. Although electronic books are thought to be a sign of current advances in technology, other people consider that they can be detrimental. E-books are green and affordable comp
These days people are busier than ever before. We can notice that they are choosing takeaway food instead of cooking at their houses. it has some benefits like more free time, as well as, having many different food optio
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