IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary era, whether music play an crucial role in mankind has become a topic of debate. Some argue that it is just a piece of entertainment while the proponents advocate it's benefits to society. I personal
Music has long been a significant aspect of society, with opinions varying on its role. While some argue that music is merely a form of entertainment for individuals, others contend that its impact goes far beyond mere a
Several people state that, music can play an important role in society as well as in their lives. But, there are numerous citizen who argues on this, and for them, music is nothing except a form of entertainment. This ho
There is a general conception that music plays an important role in society, But some people believe that is just a means of entertainment. In this essay, we will discuss both perspectives finalising with the writer's op
There has always been contradicting views among many the people about music and its importance in the social circle. Music for some individuals is considered a form of relaxation while others oppose it. In my point of v
The debate whether music plays an important role in society or is just a simple form of entertainment for the public is long been a part of the discussion. Different people have different opinions regarding the role of m
Can you imagine a life without music? Music is an integral part of society, some people argue that it is simply a form of entertainment for individuals. This essay will discuss both views in detail and provide evidence a
Music plays a big role in our daily lives. While many hold this belief, others believe it only serves as a recreational tool. This essay will demonstrate the arguments behind these two opinions, as well as explaining why
A large number of individuals argue that music is very essential part of the community, whereas, others believe that it is only a mere form of enjoyment for the masses. This essay will outline both views but in my opinio
While, some people look downside of music, thinking that it is just a way to pass our time, others instead, see through the music itself, and understand the meaning that it had throughout our lives. In my opinion, music
One of the widely discussed issues nowadays is people started are divided on a perception on a music. It is undeniable that listening to music has become an essential part of our life. However, there is no absolute agree
Nowadays you can find music everywhere. When you are in a waiting line at the telephone, in a lift, or at the fitness studio. It is often argued that music plays a significant role in society while others are convinced i
One of the heated issues is that music is now becoming a significant feature of modern life. Many people think that music is just used for entertainment purposes. However, I do believe that music can bring enormous benef
Nowadays, music has become predominant in societies. However, other sectors of society argue that is mere entertainment for people. In my opinion, music assumes both roles, it is a way of entertainment but also plays a c
A modern educated person is always interested in some art fields, namely painting, cinema, music and so on. Some people assert that music is no more than an entertainment and addition to their usual life, whereas many ot
The influence of music on human’ life has been a topic of concern in today society. There are those who argued that the music has a profound imapct on society as a whole, others believe that this is only a genre of activ
One school of thought holds that music is of extreme importance to life, whereas others believe that it is simply an option for entertainment. This essay attempts to shed light on both perspectives before concluding that
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