IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Technology makes life so convenient that parents use it to engage their children in every possible way. It causes certain problem too if they are using it at an extreme level. To resolve the issues, there are various way
Today's world is full of technology. In aspect of every field technology is available which is beneficial for the growth of a person but has a negative effects also. Like computers, mobile phones, TV programs are excessi
As we live in over-qualified technology world, there is a great weariness among people that there is a major threat for young people and adults in terms of playing broadcast games. Ubnormalness of their brains and becomi
It is thought by some people that weight problems in children are caused by watching TV.While I agree that excessive hours in front of the TV can contibute to this problem, diet also plays a role.Furthermore, weight prob
Packed meals are a real boon for working parents. This is because they can spend quality time with their family after work, instead of cooking for the family. Additionally, this allows them to take sufficient amount of
Technological advancement has changed our lives significantly. There are a variety of home entertainment available and most of the children spend their leisure time at home, watching TV and playing online games in recent
Since the boom in the television market, it has created a great impact on our life. It is thought by many people that weight problem in children is caused by watching TV. In my opinion, although watching TV itself is not
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