IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In contemporary society, an increasing number of individuals having children later in life has sparked a degree of controversy among the public. This essay aims to examine several factors contributing to this trend and e
With the fact that having kids can be a life time wish for so many people, there are more individuals leaning to the decision of not having children. I am going to bring reasons and debating on pros and cons of the possi
It has been pointed out that an increasing number of individuals decide to have their first kid in their late thirties or forties. Personally, I opine that the stiff competitive atmosphere in our society causes this circ
It has been pointed out that an increasing number of individuals decide to have their first kid in their late thirties or forties. Personally, I opine that the stiff competitive atmosphere in our society causes this circ
Today, it is not unusual for individuals to have babies at a later age. There are various reasons for this situation. In my opinion, the benefits of brewing kids in older years far outweigh the drawbacks.
There is a current trend that young couples tend to build families and have children in the later years of their lives. This phenomenon can be the result of financial constraints from economic crises and more years inves
There is a current trend that young couples tend to build family and have children in the later years of their life. This phenomenon can be the result of financial constrains from economic crises and more years invested
In contemporary society, many people believe that having children makes people happiness and joy. However, others assert that there are diverse factors that bring to people happiness without kids. In this essay, I will
Nowadays late pregnancy become prevalent in several nations around the globe. While a faction of people holds the notion that this trend have ample disadvantages, other argue that this trend has more advantages . This es
In contemporary society, there is a growing trend of individuals opting to have children later in life. This shift can be attributed to several factors, each carrying its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
It is undeniable that in many parts of the world couples do not prefer to have kids in early phase of their life. There are numerous causes behind this ongoing issue such as Economic factors . I believe that although bab
During recent decades in various societies, it can be seen that individuals have decided to postpone having children due to several issues which one the most important of them is financial instability specifically in dev
During recent decades in various societies, it can be seen that individuals have decided to postpone having children due to several issues which one the most important of them is financial instability
In recent decades, more and more individuals decide to delay their parenthood. Statistics show that the average age for parenthood rose to 30, nine years older than it was in 1970. The major reasons behind this trend are
It is a great issue that these days, a group of individuals tend to have their baby delayed which is mainly because of personal choice as well as having fast-moving corporate culture around the world. In this essay, I wi
Many people gauge that having children leads to joyfulness, however, this can often be very misleading. There are many other factors that can bring happiness, and I think that the most important factor is good health.
It is believed by some that raising children is the greatest joy in life. While I think this is true for some people, there are plenty of single people or childless couples who also feel happy with their lives. There are
In the contemporary era, there is a common tendency for many couples to give birth at many older ages compared to the past. This trend could be explained by modernization and the development of individualism, however, I
Is it true that excess of anything is injurious to health? As a matter of fact, the large-scale advertisements for processed food and playing toys adversely affect children and their parents. I strongly agree with this n
Majority of nation, more and more dwellers plan to have kid delay in their life. It is easily seen that the financial burden is one of the reason why many spouses tend to latter their childbirth because birth early force
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