IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, an increasing number of people have to compete with young people for the same jobs amid the ageing society that most developed countries are facing, which causes job loss in a senior age group and job refugees
In present times, youngsters are competing with adults for the same jobs. This can result in mistakes in companies that hire them, and many adults will be unemployed. To resolve problems related to employees’ faults, com
The job market is currently very competitive in most fields of work. In this context, many young professionals and mature people are running for the same position, which creates a race where many businesses hire younger
In the current era, increasing competition between individuals from various age groups to get jobs creates various challenges, this is a challenge for all levels of workers. There are several factors that cause this to h
In recent times, a massive population is competing with young people for the similar job positions. Unemployment and inflation are the two major reasons behind this problem. To curb this problem, government support and e
It is true that people applying for the same position as young people do has increased dramatically in today’s society. In this essay, I will outline the reasons behind this trend and suggest possible actions.
Most people have to get job, but they have competition with young people. This essay will discuss the main causes of competitive situation that including modernistic young people and useful youngthful labor.
In this competitive world, humans must strive to survive their life to keep them healthy and financially stable. Therefore people want to stick with their profession as long as possible. Underline the causes for these ki
In this burgeoning world,many people aged from young to old have to enter into labour market making their lives. It is universally acknowledged that the same occupation is competed for by younger and older workers. The m
Currently, many old people have to compete with the young generation for the same position.The main reason behind this issue is the lack of job opportunities, and the most viable solution to this phenomenon is that gover
There has been much discussion revolving around the issue of elderly people inability to apply for the same jobs as younger generation. In this essay I am going to present the possible outcomes of this issue and their ef
It is well known, that the competition between older and younger generations whilst seeking jobs has been getting more and more intense throughout the years. Since many people agree that it is a great peril in today’s wo
There has been much discussion revolving around the issue of elderly people inability to apply for the same jobs as younger generation. In this essay I am going to present the possible outcomes of this issue and their
There has been much discussion revolving around the issue of elderly people inability to apply for the same jobs as younger generation. In this essay I am going to present the possible outcomes of this issue and their
Today, a lot of companies use younger people instead of older people as they are more efficient than older generations. In this case, it is causing many older people to have a lack of competition in their jobs. This ess
it is believed that more and more people are reallocating to major cities for the sake of better professional careers. While some people suggest that the elderly should retire in advance in order to create more job vacan
Presently, the competition between young and elders for the same job is constantly increasing. Below, I will demonstrate the possible issues and the measurement for them.
These days, many people getting to face competition with young people in the same work position. The principal problems these causes are unfair competition and a lack of creative workforce, and the most viable solutions
These days , the corporate world is more inclined toward young professionals which is why several senior employees have to come under the competition belt when it comes to seeking jobs. This essay will discuss the probl
Today, increasing enterprises are hiring challenging people with high qualifications along with numerous skills. The primary problem this situation cause is the increase in the underdevelopment percentage among the aged
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