IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It has been an enigmatic quandary as to whether economic development brings beneficial effects to society. However, it is explicit that environmental devastation, a disadvantage, outweighs technological advancements, an
Today, the pursuit of economic progress can change the flow of people's life positively and promote some cultural value. From my point of view, while the economic development undeniably brings various benefits, it is pro
In contemporary society, the advancement in the economy results in improving the standard of living in most countries worldwide, while, eventually, people lose several types of social value. Although economic development
In cutting-edge era, even though the standard of living in the majority of nations can be developed by economic enhancement, it led to lost plenty of social values. I personally think that the drawback of this trend outw
In the new generation, almost all countries decide to enhance their economic rate by minimizing the portion of living, while other people have been saying some individual values will lost. I firmly believe that the advan
In this modern era, the standard of living for the majority of countries has increased through economic avenues, however this has compromised our social values. In this essay, I will discuss why there are more pros to th
During three previos decates, the lifestyle of humens are dramatically changed . The technology is the most factor impact the rasing of economy level.
In the new generations, almost all countries strive to enhance their economic rate by minimizing the portion of living, while others have been saying some individual values will lost. Personally, the advantages of enhanc
Over the last two or three decades, the lifestyle of people has changed dramatically due to advancements in technology. These days, nations are in the race to improve living standards by improving economic conditions and
It is argued that many nations improve their living standard through economic progress. This essay would argue that despite it can create job opportunities, individuals forget their ethical values, which means that the a
These days , majority of the nations worldwide emphasize improving economic development to enhance the standards of living for their citizens, but in doing so numerous social values are lost as a result. In my opinion,
In today’s time, many countries are tried to improve their life standards by economic growth but meanwhile ,it’s necessary to not disrupt their social values.This development presents some threats but i still believe tha
It is a fact that economic development involves the improvement of the standard of living for society in any country. However, nowadays some people think that some social values are lost as a result. In my opinion, this
In recent years, the majority of countries have been developing their condition by tourism, trading, exporting or importing something. And the country fund is being liquidated with assets, and giving the hand to the gove
A large number of nations evolve the standard of living by development of economy although under no circumstances would the prospect of the loss of social values be overlooked. I firmly believe that the benefits of this
It is undeniable that economic development is the process of enhancing the economic well-being and prosperity of the country. However, I personally believe that- this process often entails losing some social values.
It is debatable whether economic development empowers society for the good or it loosens the attachment of community. Despite the strong opinion stating that spiritual and emotional values will be lost in the rise of the
These days, although living standards in the majority of countries can be developed by economic enhancement, leading to obsoleting some traditions and customs.
In recent years, there has been a growing debate about economic growth in certain countries. While some think that this trend offers numerous merits to the country as it enhances the quality of life, others argue that su
Under the influence of modernization, most of the nations have adapted the innovative ways of their lifestyle. According to the present scenario, people prefer to improve the way of their living standards as a consequen
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