IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's perceptually transforming epoch , getting success plays a part and parcel role in any individual's life.As a consequence , it opined a few present, guardians put higher pressure on their offspring to succee
It is true that parents nowadays exaggeratedly encourage their children to be successful in their lives. The main justification for this is that the entire family will benefit from the child's achievements, and this is a
There is no doubt that Parents always going to love their children and wish them all the best. Sometimes we can see that they are putting an overload of pressure on their children to succeed, but is that going to mark a
Today, it has become common for parents to be more focused on moulding their children to be best at everything. I believe this is not a favourable development as too much pressure on the young ones could have a detriment
Many parents insist that their offspring should become successful in their schools, putting them under a lot of pressure. The main reason behind this is that they want them to go to prestigious universities and faculties
It is an undeniable fact that every guardian wants their heir to be a better person with good-paying jobs so that they can be very successful in their career. There are a number of reasons why breadwinners want them to s
In the contemporary epoch, offspring are facing massive pressure due to their parents.That happens because parents are pushing their children to their limits in every aspect of life.This leads to a negative effect on th
It is perhaps human nature that parents always want their offspring to succeed. In contemporary society, this hope seems to have been magnified. In this essay, we will try to go through the reasons for this phenomenon.
Nowadays, many people would think too much about children, and apply pressure on them to succeed. It is not a good thing, because it has greater negative effects on the growth and development of offspring rather than the
Owing to the persistence that guardians employ to push their scion toward a bright future,both some associated radices for such treatments and similarly the probable consequences that in my point of view, are mostly deva
It is commonly believed that children surrounded by stressful atmosphere, which overcome their level, formed by their parents. There are various reasons to this, while the competition between parents and society enhance
The importance of children's prosperity has prompted guardians to over-expect them,while it is supposed to bestow some benefits to juveniles,its negative aspects surpass in various aspects.However,both relaying radices b
In the concurrent world, the desire to be successful is at an all-time high. The caretakers exaggerate their kids to succeed in their careers and to make something out of it. This essay will illustrate the reasons behind
Since a few years ago, more and more adults have been increasing their concerns about their kids future. These days, to secure that children succeed parents are pushing harder. This essay will discuss some of the reasons
With all the different crises around the world, some parents agree with the statement they ought to pressure their scion to get always the best they can, as rushing for getting them successful in their lifetime. However,
It is considered by many people that success of the child depends from mother and father`s control. However, pressure of parent leads various results. Although, a controlling is a good because of the awards that come aft
In this contemporary era, children are extremely forced by their parents to become successful in their lives. There are multiple causes behind this which include, competition and expensive living. In my opinion, it has a
Parents are giving more pressure on their's beloved child due to they will be lived in a sophisticated life. Therefore, they put an enormous level of pressure on their kids. This essay discusses what is the reason of mot
In present, children are unnecessarily influenced by their parents for them to become a successful citizen. I believe that the reason behind this is the parents have too much hopes on their children's having a better fut
The new generation is highly competitive and to succeed, a juvenile has to outperform the competition. Parents are, therefore, putting so much pressure on their pupils to succeed. Although from the perspective of a paren
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