IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals believe that governments should invest more budget on medical needs and education in lieu of constructing theaters and sporting stadiums. While it is true that paying for healthcare and education is esse
In the contemporary era, the use of media reports is a topic of debate for many residents. Many people believe that negative situations and emergencies arr more widespread in media than some good news. From my perspectiv
Reporting problems and emergency situations has become mainstream in recent years which is thought to bring negative effects on our community by some individuals. From my point of view, I partly disagree with that notion
In the modern era, because of high technology development, citizens can gain access to the news easily. Correspondingly, they realise that reports media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments
Reporting problems and emergency sistuations has become mainstream in recent years which is thought bring negative effects on our community by some individuals. From my point of view, I strongly disagree with that notion
In the contemporary era , media has always been a bridge between national events and citizens. Some individuals believe that in the present day, it is concentrating more an issues and critical emergencies leaving the pos
In the modern era , the news daily of the media tends to focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive development . Some residents believe that this is a drawback for one’s and society .In my opinion , I strong
In the contemporary era , media has always been a bridge between national events and citizens. Some individuals believe that in the present day, it is concentrating more on issues and critical emergencies leaving the pos
In this contemporary era, everybody is rely on news which they are watching on the screen and what they reading in magazines and there is only critical situations or emergencies are shown instead of improvements in count
There is a widely held belief that media in recent years has concentrated on alarming issues and troubles. Although some people believe that dedicating time to discussing problems may bring about detrimental drawbacks fo
Reporting mainly problems and emergencies with fewer positive aspects has become mainstream in recent years and a selection of individuals thought that it will provide negative effects on our communities. From my perspec
Today's world is very advanced and a place of everyday happenings. In this regard, the role of media is very important. Because media has a significant role in society, before discussing the role of media we have to know
the following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. summarize the information and make comparison. writ at least 150 words
In this present days, media plays a vital role in the society. One of the most recent trends of today's world is the upsurge in focusing on rreporting problems and emergencies. There is a widespread belief aamong people
News agencies play a crucial role in providing information about the latest events throughout the world. Nowadays, it is widely believed that the main focus of media reports is just disputes and emergencies rather than s
News agencies play crucial role in providing information about the latest events throughout the world. Nowadays, it is widely believed that the main focus of the media reports is just disputes and emergencies rather than
At present, a lot of news agencies are more likely to inform the story that concentrates on negative aspects rather than positive aspects. Some argue that it is damaging both the person and the overview of the community.
At present, a lot of news agencies are more likely to inform the story that concentrates on negative aspects rather than positive aspects. In this way, an enormous news receiver argued that it is damaging both the person
It has become increasingly prevalent for people to opine that contents of social media focus on issues and catastrophies which can be benefit to the community. While this school of thought is valid to a certain extent, I
It has been a well-known fact that the media plays a vital role in informing people about the latest news worldwide. However, the news seems to concentrate on just adverse and detrimental global events. Furthermore, some
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