IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The media has a responsibility and accountability to offer great things to society.There is an argument due to reporting a higher number of problems and emergencies has become a trend in the media and because of that rea
It is widely believed that the media has recently focused on problems and urgent issues rather than positive improvements that can be detrimental to people and society. Personally, I firmly agree with this opinion for th
From the beginning of ,humanity we want to know about each other, and we want to understand how they are feeling, how are their health, and what is going on in their community, even on the other side of the world. This
It is widely believed that media recently focus on problems and urgent issues rather than positive improvement that can affect detrimentally to people and society. Personally, I firmly agree with this opinion for two mai
Nowadays, the media are broadcasting the negative side of society more than the positive side. In this regard, some believe it has an adverse impact on local communities and communities.This essay will discuss it and giv
The question of whether emergencies or positive stories should be featured on the news has been a recent topic of debate. Although this tendency adversely impacts individuals and society, its advantages should be mention
In recent years, there has been a trend towards media reports focusing on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments. In my opinion, this trend is harmful to individuals and society as it can create a sen
The question of whether emergencies or positive stories should be featured on the news has been a recent topic of debate. Although I agree with the idea that this trend adversely impacts individuals and society, its adva
In the modern era , reporters are focusing on issues and emergencies as compared to good development . Few masses believe it is dangerous for society . I totally disagree with this statement and will discuss it in the u
In current days, broadcast channels focus more on problematic scenarios rather than good and pleasant announcements. Some of them may think it's not good for certain communities. I completely disagree with the mentioned
There are widely differing views on the issue of the matter many jounals concentrate too much on the covering mostly bad news. I totally agree with the notion of this issus and there are two principal reasons for this.
It is true that the media tends to broadcast more negative reports rather than positive news which some people believe impacts the public and society from a bad perspective. I completely agree with this argument and I wi
In this contemporary world, media houses are displaying more negative news over the positve one. According to a few, such notion causes detrimental effects on humans as well as society. I agree that a plethora of distur
In the chaotic world of today, there are more negative pieces of message than positives. As the result, news media tends to pay more attention to the detrimental issues rather than harmonic ones. Many individuals believe
Developing different skills are becoming necessary these days. While some people are of the view that the younger generation should learn how to cook because it is an important skill, others are of the opinion that it is
There is no doubt that these days with the spread of technology and developments, a phenomenon called globalization has formed, which societies are becoming facing. The question is, is this phenomenon will lead to a comp
Nowadays, headlines of the media are more often filled with negative or concerning news. Some people start wondering whether those things will have detrimental effects on the community as well as individuals. I personall
It has been observed that these days news reports are more focused upon issues and crisis instead of reporting on productive growth. Some individuals believe that this might lead to negative effect on people and in turn
Content of modern media include more negative factors than positive these days. It can have a detrimental effect on one's mindset which ultimately can be a potential threat to society. I strongly believe that watchin
Media has always been the centre for insights and knowledgeable information for decades. Today, despite, having a vast range of useful intel and spreading optimistic forecasts, the media now prefers detrimental news.
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