IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years, high-tech has altered the way individuals communicate with each other both in daily life and work, which triggered multiple influences. There is some uncertainty as to the merits and demerits of this ten
According to the last year,the relationships between people have changed so much.This phenomenon is going to be more present than in the past day by day.Absolutely I feel these alters in relation to my society.I feel thi
In this contemporary era, interaction with one another has developed with the help of fast-paced technological advancement. This evolution has had several impacts on families. This essay will discuss the evident pros and
Today, technical developments play an inevitable role in our life in that we rely on automation for our routine actions; from negligible deeds to the most important ones. In the following, I am going to elucidate the eff
Today, technology plays an inevitable role in our life in that we rely on automation for our routine actions; from negligible deeds to the most important ones. In the following, I am going to elucidate the effect of this
In this 21st century, people rely on advanced technology, which makes people closely connected. From my perspective, technology has a positive impact on people's relationships. Let me illustrate my viewpoints in the belo
It is true that due to technological improvement, people have changed their way of interacting with others. Technology gathers people around the world, and it is beneficial for people in exploring different things.
In recent times,due to advancements in technology,many people's manner of interacting with each other has been altered. It is a helpful improvement as technology has influenced various kinds of relations humans build.
Modern techniques are flourishing by leaps and bounds in every makes people’s life easier and more interactive. No doubt, through to this communication industries are growing faster which we never had before. Ho
In this contemporary era, technology has changed enormously. Wherever people have many entrance to acquire technological applications which help them take life convenient in society. Moreover, currently, through the tele
These days, the communication ways among people have been changing because of technology development. Technology can affect the ways in which people interact with each other in different categories like business relation
With the modernization in the world and advancement in the technologies, a lot of things has changed. Once such example is relationship that people are having with each other. This essay will cover the positive and negat
In the modern era, cutting edge technologies have changed the way people interact with each other. In this essay, I will discuss how has technology influenced the kinds of relationships people make and explain why this
Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the past two decades leading to a monumental shift in the way people communicate with each other. In this essay, the impact of technology on the relationships in the society
In various ways, the emerging technologies of this contemporary era have been affecting the population of the globe tremendously since the beginning. Therefore, currently, it is also giving his worst impression on the co
Technology made a vast change in people's interactions now. Inventions of the internet and other electronic gadgets help to create deep and superficial relationships. This elaborates on the pros and cons of this advancem
These days, the means human beings communicate with themselves is altered because of improved technology.This improvement concerned with human interaction has more benefits than disadvantages ,which I will explain in thi
The communication nowadays has altered in a past few years ago. In the modern age, the advancement of technology has provided people with convenience in various ways. However, there are possible negative aspects of this
It is true that automation in recent years has altered the path that folk communicates with each other. There are many ways that technology affects our relationships, and in my opinion, this is a beneficial development
In our modern time, novel and developed technologies, including wireless communication, online platform applications, and the internet, have been strongly affecting the lifestyle and relationships between people. Althoug
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