IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It can not be denied that population growth is a major issue in the metropolitan area. The extension of the citizens is contrary to the broadening of the residential area that has limited land to build and it will lead
It has been observed that huge towns are having many problems due to the fact that there are no houses to be bought or rented. Some individuals believe that the government would be the only solution. I disagree with the
Nowadays, buying a house has been getting unaffordable in developed cities. Some believe that only government could make adjustments to the housing supply, and I strongly agree with this opinion and will explore it in t
Some people believe that only legislation isable to encounter the problem of housing management in major cities. In my view, both public and authorities can find out solutions collaboratively.
In a world with more than 190 countries, we can observe different approaches to the problem of accommodation. These communities are generally divided into two big parts one of which, is the sufficient number of big citie
Nowadays, there are many big cities that contain a place to live such as an apartment. Only government is able to figure out the problem with the housing deficit and I strongly agree with the given statement.
In metropolitan cities, the shortage of accommodation is getting a bigger problem for the citizens, whereas many believe that the government is the one who can tackle this calamity with their own rules. I agree with this
In recent years, the increasing population has caused trouble in purchasing lands. On the one hand, the society argues the fact that authorities should make remedy actions to fix an issue of inadequate residences. Howe
These days it seems that more governments can dissolve the housing shortage in the metropolitan. As you know the population worldwide is raised; so we need to increase the amount of building especially houses or flats. I
It is argued that the lack of accommodations in metropolitans can result in serious impacts and in order to tackle those problems, government action is the only choice. In my opinion, I totally agree with the statement f
Many people argue that government can get involve in sorting out housing shortage in cities which has led to several social problems. While I agree to this sentiment in general, it is important to understand the limits o
In recent years, there is a tremendous increase in population in large metropolitan areas due to people moving for job opportunities or easy access to urban amenities. Because of the reasons, young generations who are ab
In metropolitan cities, the shortage of accommodation is turning into a severe burden for citizens and some are of the opinion that this issue can be tackled solely by the actions of a government. I completely agree with
Metropolitan cities face a severe shortage of accommodation  leading to declining health and rising crimes.,Apparently the issue can be tackled  only by a government intervention either by putting a limit on on the entry
Accommodation is an essential need in our lives. The scarcity of shelter can cause serious problems. Some people believe that it is the state's responsibility to solve the shelter shortage. The government can act by crea
Accommodation is an essential need in our lives.The scarcity of shelter can cause serious problems.Some people believe that it is the role of the government to solve problems of shelter.The government can act by creating
Some today argue that only governments are capable of countering problems in cities resulting from housing shortages. In my opinion, although governments should be the primary actors, human beings can also offer aid.
Since a number of years, the population from the countryside move to big metropolis for various reasons and consequently capital centre has a shortage of housing. However, the national government is the only one to tackl
Since a number of ,years population from the countryside move to big metropolis for various reasons and ,consequently capital center have a shortage of housing. In this case, the national gover
Since a number of years people from countryside move to big cities for various reasons and consequently capital cities have the shortage of housing. In this case, national government is the only one to tackle this issue
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