It is argued that parents of overweight children should be penalized. This essay agrees completely with this statement because parents are the first involved in their youngsters’ nutrition and also because punishment wil
In some nations, many individuals are adopting a vegetarian diet. Although the trend brings both merits and demerits, I believe that the disadvantages of a plant-based diet outweigh the advantages because animal products
It is often argued that parents of overweight children should face consequences for causing their children to become obese. This essay agrees with this statement because parental negligence can lead to severe health issu
It is argued that parents make their children overweight by overfeeding them and should be penalised. This essay disagrees with this statement because they are not always with their caretakers during the day, and obesity
It is argued that new generation intake junk food which destroy the body parts. This essay agrees with this statement because it does not fullfill the requirements of nutrition in children's body and faces severe adult d
It is argued that parents with children who are overweight should be punished for making them obese. This essay will disagree with this statement because some parents are not knowledgeable about obese and some children
It is argued that mothers and fathers of overweight kids should be penalized due to supporting them to be fat. This essay disagrees with this statement because obesity can be caused by genetics and children usually eat u
The parents of kids who suffer from obesity should receive punishment for allowing them to become overweight. This essay disagrees with this statement because obesity can be caused by genetics and children often eat unhe
In modern world a discussion of necessity for parents of overweighted kids to be legally restricted become a problem. This essay agrees with the previous statement because of the fact that obese children's weight leads t
It is often argued that parents who have obese children should be judged for being fat. And I am totally in agreement with this statement because parents should manage the diets of their kids, and obesity can cause many
Some people deem that parents should be liable for making their children obese. This essay agrees with this statement because healthy nutritional habits are responsibility of tutors and health problems associated to maln
It’s argued that obese children’s parents are supposed to be punished result of making them fat. This essay disagrees with the statement because parents may not be on purpose and punishment is quite an extreme method to
The issue of childhood obesity is escalating globally, sparking an ongoing debate about whether parents of obese children should be held accountable. I staunchly agree that parents of overweight children should face cons
The children obesity issue is growing all over the world. To punish the parents of pat children is a ever lasting debate. I firmly agree that parents of obese children must be punished for encouraging the fastfood , ice
Genetics play a big role in making children fat. Many times,the reason why numerous girls and boys gain excessive weight is due to the genes coming from their parents or even their grandparents, proking on them a predisp
It is argued that the caregivers of overweight kids must face punishment because they make them obese. This essay disagrees with that statement since genetics impact the children's weight and caregivers spend relatively
The spread of obesity in children has brought in many concerns among the communities and an obvious target for this is the parents where people want them to be punished for letting their kids be in such condition. I do a
The question of whether caretakers should be held responsible and penalized for their heir's obesity is a complex and contentious issue. While it's undeniable that parents play a significant role in shaping their childre
It is argued that parents are the culprit for their children’s obesity and they should be punished. This essay agrees with this statement because parents are the role model to shape their children’s healthy lifestyles an
There is no doubt that obesity is increasingly becoming a major concern in todays society. There is a belief that guardians of such children should receive punishment for not taking their care. In this essay, I will expl