While some argue that individuals should preserve their hand- earned income and avoid paying taxes, i firmly believe that fulfilling tax obligations is crucial due to the numerous benefits it entails. It may not be pleas
There is an ongoing debate regarding paying taxes. While some people argue that they should possess all the money they earn without paying taxes to the government, I believe that citizens should pay taxes considering th
I usually find some cases that can relate with this topic. Tax may be a sensitive things to discuss by some people that have a high salary but they also have many responsibilty in their home. For example I have come acro
There are opinions in society arguing that workers should not be taxed at all and get to save all the earned money for themself. However, I didn't conform to this idea.
People have to pay the tax to the state when earning a certain amount of money in most countries, which therefore triggers a debate because some of them claim that it is unnecessary for them to be taxed. From my perspect
Tax is a vital part of the government’s earnings. Nevertheless, some people believe that individuals should leave all the salary they obtain. From my perspective, I don’t support this view and believe that tax is importa
Tax is a vital part of the government’s earnings. Nevertheless, some people believe that individuals should leave all the salary they obtain. From my perspective, I don’t support this view and this essay will briefly dis
Certain portions of society believe that they have the right to keep every single cent they earn without paying taxes to the authorities. I strongly disagree with the statement because, governments completely depend on
People have different views on whether they should have the autonomy to maintain all their incomes without paying taxes. While I can understand the reason why these taxpayers want to save all their incomes, I disagree wi
It is argued sometimes that citizens should reserve their earnings and be exempt from tax-paying obligation. While I can understand the reason why such a claim is accepted by some people, I disagree with this proposal an
It is argued that individuals have the freedom to retain all the incomes they get without contributing to the state governments. While there are many reasons why so many individuals tip the balance in favour of this beha
It has been argued that whether people should own all their income without any tax payment, personally I do not think that it is a good opinion and my reasons will be given in the following essay.
In the present era, money plays a significant role in human activity.It is argued that earned cash ought not to pay to authorities instead it should be kept with oneself, while others argue that it should be paid to the
Indeed, people work hard and earn wages for their needs and preferences. So they have the right to claim fair salaries for the work which they have done and keep whatever they want. However, we should not forget that alt
Tax capital is a very crucial source of income for any government to function still, some people believe it is not important to give their hard-earned money in form of tax. I do not agree with this viewpoint, and this wi
People should always save money for the future because this will add a better retirement and much more confortable life in the future by not needing to work so much. Saving money is a complex thing and it is important th
Some people are unwilling to pay taxes as they consider tax as a burden, which would reduce their disposable income. I believe that levying taxes is essential, because without tax revenue, a country is not able to functi
Tax is considered by many people as a heavy burden because it decreases their disposable income. However, I hold the opinion that it is necessary to pay tax. Without the existence of tax, society is difficult to operate
*Compliance with tax has always been a topical issues from time immemorial. Some individuals think that people should be able to retain all their income, and should not remit tariffs to the government.I totally disagree
‘Unsatisfactory’ is one thing that everyone is unable to escape from it. There are many kinds of trouble that could happen every minute. However, some people can accept and try to tackle and move on to the next step whil