IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern society, the demand for cars and vehicles has driven widespread air pollution problems. As an answer to this issue, increasing the cost of fuel for vehicles might have been suggested in many areas. I understand
Many people argue that one solution to environmental problems would be for governments to raise the price of petrol. While i consider this might be an effective measure, I would argue that there might be other measures w
The biggest problem of our circumstances is caused by pollutants from cars and other vehicles. Many communities believe that the best solution to the problem is to raise the price of petrol. I agree that increasing the c
It is widely believed that one solution to address environmental issues would be that governments should impose high costs for private cars and other means of transportation. While I consider that might be a useful shor
The most problem of our circumstances caused by pollutant from cars and other vehicles. Many people believe that the best solution for the problem is rise the price of petrol. I agree that increasing the cost of fuel wil
Many individuals believe that government should put in place policies to protect the environment, one of them is raising the cost of fuel for vehicles. In my opinion, this action can only solve a limited part of the env
The pollution caused by vehicles on roads is a major contributor to environmental problems.The number of vehicles is increasing constantly and so is pollution. Some people are of the view that increasing the fuel prices
Nowadays, every time we turn on television or flick through the pages of newspapers, we learn about global warming and climate change. Some people claim that the government should impose taxes on the cost of energy for e
Environmental issues are escalating at an alarming rate ,especially pollution; some groups of people opine to solve this problem by increasing the fuel pricing for four-wheelers. Although this method would be proven effe
The importance of tackling environmental issues has now become more controversial with many people claiming that the Administration need to broadcast policies that raise fuel prices to limit unnecessary journeys made by
There is no denying that carbon emission that cars and other transportation causes has brought serious environmental issues, and some people believe that government should ask citizens to pay more for the fuel. In my opi
it is believed that government should increase the price of fuel for cars and other vehicles to tackle environmental issues. In my opinion, I partly agree with this point and give some reason for this.
Many people believe that the cost of fuel for means of transport increased by the government can minimize environmental dilemmas. This essay will argue that the disadvantages of this development will outweigh the advant
It is widely believed that to tackle environmental problems, the government should raise the price of fuel used in different means of transport. Personally, I agree with this solution for some reasons.
Many people argue that environmental issues are needed to be solved strictly by the government's policy of increasing the cost of private vehicles. Personally, it is a useful measure, but other measures might be more eff
There are those who think that increasing the price of petrol for vehicles would be a resolvement of environmental issues. In my opinion, I partially disagree with this view, and the reason will be elaborated in the enli
Over the past decade, pollution has become a prevalent and publicly recognized phenomenon. Although raising the price of petrol has many positive ramifications, it is not without drawbacks. While I consider that this mig
Pollution is a remarkable phenomenon that moved upward in the current decade, because of the availability of numerous factors causes. One of the various elements is the fuel that burns through machines. In general, there
In this day and age, the environment is being concerned due to several alarming issues, and the authorities are attempting to tackle them. One of those solutions is the suggestion to boost the price of gas and fuel for a
As society is advancing by leaps and bounds, people attach great importance to the protection of the environment. Under this circumstance, an absolute consensus can hardly be reached as to whether the government should r
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