IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals believe that people who are not familiar with social media will always fall back on career development opportunities. However, others argue that there are other areas employees and business owners should
It is true that some people believe that individuals who are not active on social media platforms will always fall behind in their fields in terms of catching the opportunities compared to their peers. While I understand
Some people think that without the use of social media and its developments, it is fairly hard or even impossible to reach the level of position in terms of developing a career and improving the chances of getting the to
In the current era of society, the role of social media is indispensable and the people who do not use it, may face dire consequence in the form of the growth of their professions. I strongly agree with this statement be
It was projected that non-social media users would have restrictions on their career progression. However, it seems exaggerated to express such an opinion. I firmly believe there are factors that could contribute to some
It generally cannot be ignored that the application of social media tremendously influences careers, where some believe that individuals who are not getting benefits from it, can not meet the expectations and will lose
Social media networks play an increasingly basic role and are one of the important ways to communicate with each other. People who use these ways can raise the speed of their work and do it faster than doing it in person
Social media plays a critical role in our lives, especially it will give a number of advantages both socially and professionally if we can use it effectively. However, it does not seem to make sense if the condition of ‘
Social media are the biggest information resources for many things, namely education, hobbies, or work. A wide range of people can take the advantage of social media as long as they use it wisely. I side with several pe
Over the past few years, the utilization of social media has been growing exponentially around the world. Some people believe that using correct from social media brings career development prospects, while some other peo
Nowadays by expanding the Internet, individuals are facing many new social media. Using these facilities has benefits and drawbacks.
Nowadas by expanding the Internet, individuals are facing many newborn social media. Using these facilities has benefits and drawbacks.
Social media plays an increasingly pivotal role in our lives, and being able to use these systems is definitely an advantage both socially and professionally. However, it seems an exaggeration to say that ignorance of th
It is claimed that social media has a chief importance on achieving better future prospect for the professionals who accustomed to use it in comparison to others.
Social media plays an increasingly pivotal role in our lives, and an ability to use these systems is certainly an advantage both socially and professionally. However, it seems rather excessive to say that ignorance of th
Social media plays an increasingly pivotal role in our lives, and the ability to use these systems is certainly an advantage both socially and professionally. However, it seems rather excessive to say that ignorance of
Social media plays an increasingly pivotal role in our lives, and an ability to use these systems is certainly an advantage both socially and professionally. However, it seems rather excessive to say that ignorance of
In this digital age, not a single occupation could escape the omnipresence of multi-platforms. Consequently, it is projected that opponents of social media will lag behind in job prospects. I firmly believe in this omen
The issue of whether the use of social networks has a significant role in employees’ career development and progress has been a debatable topic in recent years. In my opinion, this could have a great deal of importance;
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