IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, personality and development are crucial to live in this modern world. Although, research indicates that birth features are basis of building personality in terms of outlook and character development more than a
Many scholars point out that the behaviour and attributes of a person are greatly influenced by genes themselves more than the endeavours and occurrences that happened in one's life. In my personal viewpoint, both innat
Experiments proof that the features we are born with have more influence on person's personality and growth rather than any experiences we may gain in our life.I believe the life episodes which we have gone through are e
It is often argued that talents in us have more influences in improving character development than received experience during whole life. In my point of view, skills that we are born with have much more impact in many sp
There are conflicting views about what our personality and development depend on. Some people think that the characteristics we are bone with contribute much more than any other aspects, while others hold the opposite id
Scholarly findings show that features and attributes which human beings possess at the time of birth are more influential to our personality and growth as compared to life experiences. According to my thoughts, individua
Nowadays, scientific research indicates that inherited characteristics heavily influence our mental development and psychology. However, some believe that the society we live in also significantly effects. Moreover, ther
Many scientists believe that our personalities and growth are determined mainly by genetics, rather than life experiences. Although genetics has some effort on our characteristics, I believe nurture influences are more i
In today's modern world, numerous types of researches have been conducted around the globe in order to improve the temperament and the evolution of an individual. There is one recent research which has clearly shown that
Nowadays genetic engineering arose the interest of people. While a large section of society consider that inherited characteristic is the main factor for human development, another tends to prove, that experience one ga
There have always been arguments about whether qualities are the result of experiences or people are born with them. However, in my opinion, I think they largely depend on the person’s process of growth rather than being
There is a study which shows that the original characteristics inside people’ selfs are having far more impact on our personality and development than experiences that may occur in life. In my point of view, I believe th
Characteristics have been gone with us when we are born, so researcher indicates that it has more influence on our personality and development than any experience we may have in life. In my opinion, I think the experienc
With the fast development in recent years, children are having many different personalities. Some research indicates that these personalities and developments are influenced by the characteristics they are born with much
Some people believe that the characteristics that follow people from when they were born will have more influence on our personality and development than experiences they face in social and life. In my opinion, most peop
There have always been arguments about whether qualities are the result of experiences or people are born with it. However, in my opinion, I think they largely depend on the person’s process of growing rather than being
There are some academic evidences suggest that people are influenced more by their inborn qualities instead of their experiences during their growth. But I disagree with this opinion because I think the experiences acqui
Although It's true that features that people are born with are so important, and have various effects on their personal traits, there are many other factors that can influence an individual's personality such as their ex
Although It's true that features that people are born with are so important, and have various effects on their personal traits, there are many other factors that can influence individual's personality such their experien
People have so many debate on characteristics whether our behaviours are already built up while we are born or might be shaped by personal experiences. Let me illustrate my views in the below paragraphs.
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