IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Investigations demonstrate that the power of traits which we were born with is more than the power of our life’s experiences in the formation of our personality and therefore progress. I believe in the notion that occurr
Investigations demonstrate that the power of traits which we were born with is more than the power of our life’s experiences in the formation of our personality and progress. I believe in the notion that occurrences whic
This notion that which one of inherited characteristics or experiences and learned materials has more impression on our personality always has been a matter of debate between psychiatrists and other people. I think that
It is undeniable that our personal congenital characteristics can make a powerful impact on a person’s life. On the other hand, many people believe that problems we face make us more forceful and powerful. But my view is
Characteristic features differentiate for each person. However, nowadays, discusses have been continuing about which ways affect people's traits, such as environmental experiences or inborn features. I am in favor that e
Human personality and development have always been a mystery to scientists. Recent reasearch has shown that human genes have greater impact on people than the environment. However, while I believe that the effects of DNA
Nowadays, scientific research has indicated that our inherited characteristics heavily influence our mental development as well as our psychology. However, some others believe that the experience may have in our lives ca
The arguments over the most effective factors on personal traits and the way he or she develops have been going on for a very long time ago. Despite the fact that our inherent characteristics will be truly influential on
Our attitude towards society and growth related to behaviour is depending much on birth than our knowledge gained from living demonstrated by research. I will elaborate in this essay, on why not experience give much mo
There are two main opinions of human beings' natural characteristics and their environment. Though it is not possible to ignore the natural characteristics, still the importance of environment and experiences outweighs t
In this present world,research has shown that our inherent characteristics influence us more than our experiences throughout life. This can impact our personality and development. In my opinion, our experiences are more
Scientific studies show that inborn traits have a deeper impact on our personality as compared to the experiences gained from our daily life. While the argument has merits, I believe that the situations we face during th
It is stated that one's character is more influenced by birth traits than the experiences in life. However, while I believe in my opinion, birth traits do have an effect, I agree that experiences in life have a greater
The personality and development of individuals have been becoming one of the fascinating studies. There are several studies about it. Some researches explore that our personality and development is affected by the unique
It is proved that our inborn traits have a greater impact on our nature than what we learn from our environment. I am not completely in accord with this idea as I believe that the way people are nurtured is more integral
It’s believed and research and that features that person has born with , determine his personality, accidents that happened with person during the life do not interact on his or her personality dramatically . I can absol
It always has been a controversial issue that what factors can influence people's personality.some surveys speared some data that our personality gets much more effect from specific behaviour is related to when we were
A study revealed that humans are influenced by their genetic make-up rather than life experiences.In my opinion,though genes do control basic behaviour patterns like excessive anger or impulsive decision-makers in some,
Some studies provide us with the information that the qualities we are born with affects our personality and development more than our personal life experience. There are two main reasons why I disagree with the given st
When we are brought to this world, we possess traits from both parents.The odds turn out to be the traits, that are displayed the most in that individual.Although, it is very common for the offspring to gain other charac
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