IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are a lot of endangered and extincted languages, thousands of them, all over the world. Some people think that governments have to contribute budget money to retain such a languages. In this essay I'll tray to und
In contemporary society, there are languages that become endangered due to an extremely small number of native speakers. It is thought by some people that this phenomenon must be solved with financial support from the g
It is true that some minority languages may disappear in the near future.Although it canbe argued that governments could save money by allowing this to happen,I believe thatthese languages should be protected and preserv
Nowadays, people pursuing minimalism,even with language. Some believe that minority languages are less spoken ofand, thereforetherefore, not much use. Others believe that the government should spend money on keeping the
Although, many believe that the leaders need to save minority languages by investing in it, others think it is a complete waste of money. From my perspective, the government should put public funds into building infrastr
Some argue that governments should allocate funds to save endangered languages, while others believe it would be a waste. To preserve cultural heritage, endangered languages need to be protected. Losing a language means
Nowadays, English is extensively replacing the role of local languages in the curriculum in many countries. Therefore, many concerns have arisen that these local tongues are under the threat of extinction. Although the i
Several languages are dying off because fewer people are using those languages, therefore, some people think that governments need to allocate certain funds to save their languages. Others think that this would be a wast
Several languages are dying off because less people are using those languages, therefore, some people think that governments need to allocate certain funds to save their languages. Others think that this would be a waste
With the development of the official language, some dialects are facing the situation of extinction. While I agree that these dialects need conservation, I would argue that funding by the local government means a waste o
It is undeniably true that some minority languages may disappear in the near future. Although some people suggested that preserving these languages is merely a waste of money, I believe that there are
People's opinions differ as to whether or not minority languages should be invested in and that governments have to protect them from dying out. While I support the idea that there are by far more important sectors to be
Multiple languages are facing extinction because extremely small numbers of people communicate with them. Some people argue the government should use taxes to prevent them from disappearing. From my perspective, I disagr
People hold conflicting views about whether authorities should allocate a part of the national budget to restore several languages on the verge of disappearance or not. While a large number of people believe that it is n
One of the global problems contains aspects that potentially make many languages disappear, nowadays we have many languages that are used by very small numbers. Some people think that for solving this problem government
People’s opinions differ as to whether or not governments should spend money on preserving less spoken languages. While it can be argued that governments could save money by allowing this to happen, I believe that these
In light of a lack of speakers, a number of languages are on the verge of extinction. The following essay will go through both viewpoints, but I believe that this might be a good strategy for preserving language diversit
There are numerous tribes and tongues in the world and the majority of these languages are becoming extinct. Therefore, it continues to be controversial if the government should divert public funds to prevent this. Altho
Nowadays, people have different views about the protection of minority languages. Although spending lots of money to save a language could be unnecessary, I personally believe that steps taken by the government to protec
In this era of technology, several local languages that are no longer used by many people due to its only spoke by minority groups or etnics in particular country. some individuals believe that the government should spen
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