IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There have been growing concerns about ever-increasing crimes all over the world, the main reason is economically disadvantaged background. I understand this viewpoint because it is hard to maintain a basic standard of l
There have been growing concerns about ever-increasing crimes all over the world and innocent citizens are attacked by these people. Some people may have claimed that poverty is the main cause of crime. I think that is b
The causes of crime are a heavily studied topic in modern society. Many experts believe that crime is caused by poverty. However, others believe that crime is a result of a person's nature. Extensive research about these
The casued of crime is a heavily studied topic in modern society. Many experts believe that crime is caused by poverty. However, others believe that crime is a result of a person's nature. Extensive research about these
There has been a divergence about a belief in the staple reason of crime since several years ago. Some people believe that the most significant reason of crime is related to a person’s financial condition. However, there
Some argue that the most affected reason why people become criminals is due to their poverty at a young age, while others contend that crime happens just because of human’s inherent nature, regardless of wealth. In this
It is arguable that the reason for the crime is an economic background or an individual's nature. In this essay, we will discuss both points of view and diverge into one opinion.
Many people argue that criminals who are influenced by their poor background are more likely to commit crimes. Meanwhile, other people think that criminals are influenced by their genetic reasons. Although criminals cann
Some people claim that a key driver of crime is not being able to get an education due to poverty, while others believe that crime happens because some people are born in not being able to feel guilty for wrong behaviour
Crime cases are one of the major problems around the world. There can be various reasons for committing it, rather it is done because of the money, limelight, relationships and such stuff. Few people believe that the fin
It is a common belief that a person makes a crime in society due to an economically detrimental background. However, there is another argument that individual personality is linked to a crime. This essay will discuss bot
Some people believe that the main cause of crime is poverty while others think that a person's nature results in a crime. This essay will discuss both views and shows my personal ideas.
Some people believe that the main cause of crime is poverty while others think that person's nature result in crime. This essay will discuss both views and shows my personal ideas.
Over the last two or three decades, offence rate has been increased dramatically due to poverty and man's behaviour. However, some say that underprevilaged is the primary reason of crime while others think that person's
Some people believe that poor financial background is the main causes of commit a crime while others thought that because of a person's genes, men doing crime. This essay will discuss both views including the effect of p
Nowadays, it is often suggested that what makes criminals commit crimes. In this essay, I will elaborate on two aspects of this issue but personally, I agree that the criminality has occurred by a poor economic backgroun
People have always discussed what makes criminals to commit crimes. Some people argue that a poor economic background is the main reason of committing crimes while others think the reason is one’s nature. In this essay,
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