IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days, more and more people are concerned about their health and nutrition. Many of them pay special attention to the composition of the products they buy in grocery stores, but nevertheless that a huge variety of p
Nowadays a great number of people consume junk food which is harmful to health. It is considered to be that these kinds of meals and beverages should be restricted for sale. I totally agree with this idea and will suppo
There is statement that shops can’t sell any food and drinks that have been scientifically proven to be bad for people’s health. I definitely agree with this statement. Because l believe that a person's health is the mos
Nowadays , shops have their own value in the market and the masses can buy anything from them. Few individuals think that shops should not be allowed to sell eating things that have been announced to be bad for people's
It is thought that unhealthy foods or drinks should be banned by stores because of valid scientific evidence. I totally agree with this idea, as I believe that the drawbacks of these meals are more notable.
Nowadays, the world is chasing the pavements of success and they do not have much time to prepare food at home; therefore, they purchase fast and junk meals from shops, which is harmful to health. Thus, the sale and purc
Tendency to favour uncontrolled nutrition has come embattled over the past decade, following scientists’ booming concern on health. Discussion has centred on whether it culminate with banning markets from distributing th
It is considered by some individuals that the sale of food items that have been identified to cause harm to people should be prohibited. In my opinion, I completely agree with this because the consumption of these danger
Due to the changes in lifestyle, most players have entered the field of advertisement; as a result, they have started promoting injurious products. I strongly favour the statement and the related points will is explained
Many people feel that unhealthy food and drinks should be banned according to research which demonstrates the medical consequences fast food causes. I am in disagreement with this proposal as I think this is an individua
Government should not allow food industries and local shops, if they find it is not good for people health then they should not permit the particular shops. This essay discusses why I strongly agree with the statement.
Food and drinks with scientific proof to be harmful to the health of humans are argued to be banned to sell in stores. I partially agree with the statement with my supporting reasons in this essay.
Advertising has become an increasingly pervasive and, arguably, compelling presence in the modern world. In my opinion, marketing greatly influences the average consumer and there should strict regulations in place to en
Science has exhibited that non-nutritional beverages and cuisines should not be easily accessible. Some people also stand true to this opinion that unhealthy consumables should not be available on supermarket shelves. I
Food is always important for any living being. Eatable items which are not certified for human intake, should not sell by the vendors. There are numerous benefits for people as well as for society. It will make a huge ga
There is no doubt that living in 21st century is make lives simple. While some people believe people experiencing in the 21st century have a better life standard than people who lived in former times others argue that op
In today's world, eating habits of many people are changed as a result of globalization. A far number of individuals have a fond to newnormal foods. Most of the scientific studies have shown that these edible items have
There are many scientific advances to get know what contains the food and drink that we buy. Thus, there are who believe the proof of bad aliments that damage the population´s health is a reason to restrict the sale by g
There are many scientific advances to get know what contains the food and drink that we buy. Thus, there are who believe the proof of bad aliments that damage population´s health is a reason to restrict the sale by groc
Nowadays, packaged food is most popular and easily available in every country. Some people believe that food or drink which is scientifically proven bad for people's health should be banned. I completely agree with this
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