IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is often argued that using social media with share personal data on the online website will have a risk. Some people think it can be benefit, whereas someone not. I will show both sides of this issue. One of the most
Recently, people love to use social media as a new way to communicate with their friends or followers. Nevertheless, several drawbacks may occur regarding personal information spreading online. In this essay, i will exa
These days, it is believed that people of all ages are highly influenced by social media. Some proponents argue that there is a risk involved in sharing personal details on social media websites. Though there are many ad
Nowadays , technologies are developing so al lot of websites  are created by website founders ,  especially social medias are most popular among the various age groups . However, posting personal informations by may be a
In the modern era, social media is getting more and more familiar with all age groups, but there are some risks in posting personal information online. Personally, the disadvantage outweighs the advantage and reasons wil
In the modern era, social media usage has been growing in humans.Even though, there are a lot of risks in sharing personal data on websites such as Instagram, Facebook and many others.This essay will discuss the benefit
Recently, the usage of social media has gained certain popularity among the public. it is widely notice that more and more human adoption social media, and there are some public who believe that there is a risk would lea
In today's world, social media is a major concern with significant growth and popularity that connect all people worldwide.However,it is obvious that sharing personal information through social media websites is a serio
There is no doubt that online entertainment sites nowadays are becoming a major source of attraction. They are well liked by all the people belonging to different age groups. While they are becoming quite popular in the
Modern lifestyle has changed drastically over the last twenty years as a result of the extreme popularity of social networks. Though sharing personal photos and videos is great fun, it can be quite dangerous as well. De
Social media is becoming an essential part of our lives, in which we have possessed these magical tools for less than 30 years. Eating a mediocre breakfast, travelling to a city that local folk hate, or taking a photo in
Now a days, we can not thought a day without internet. Everyday we are using various websides through internet. We share our fillings emotion and lifestyle on social media, and we also see our friends and families infor
Nowadays, social media platforms play a huge part in our lives. It is literally almost impossible to find a person who does not have at least one social media. These online platforms provide the ability to be in touch wi
Using social media to share lifestyles seems like a modern trend worldwide. The nation, especially the young generation, uses social media a lot. Sharing is good, but also very dangerous to expose personal pieces of info
People from different age groups have been showing an inclination toward using social networking sites while this kind of communication causes many dangers. While using social media can cause in being exposed to inapprop
The popularity of Social media is increasing more than ever before. While posting on Social media has some deficits, these are negligible compared to the benefits.This essay will discuss why the advantages of using soci
In the contemporary world, where the internet has become an indispensable source of communication and information, the subject of breach of privacy through social media cannot be ignored. In this essay, I will discuss bo
It is true that social media platforms have become popular across the globe thanks to the development of technology. However, many people are quite reluctant to pose their private information on social websites such as F
It is important to say that we are living in a new era where every on uses the internet, and this made us the live easier.Personally, I believe that the internet has positive and negative ways. I feel this way for two m
Nowadays, there has a widespread of social media user across the global. Some people think that it's sharing with the others shows a heart-warming action, while others feel that there might be having a risk when personal
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