IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern society, there is an ongoing debate about whether there are some benefits of building notable facilities to train top athletes or not, with many people believing that notable facilities contribute to positively
In the contemporary world, whether or not building specialised equipments to train high-skilled atheletes, instead of giving more common sports facilities that everybody can work.This essay will prove that the benefits o
In the contemporary world, some governments believe that advanced sports centres will encourage professional huntsmen to gain achievements for their country. In discrepancy, ordinary people feel a deficit of sports outfi
It is observed that global prestige is achieved by constructing specific premises to upskill elite athletes in lieu of offering sports facilities for public use in some parts of the world. I believe that this has detrime
Sports are physical activities which have myriad benefits as recreation, exercise,pleasure and as a mode of income. In contemporary era, majority of the countries are expecting the global recognition by facilitating th
Conquer the highest places in international business competitions is one of the desires of the majority of countries. Some people claim that constructing specialized apparatus for high-standard athletes is one of the str
It is a fact that many countries invest in development of top athletes, however they don't invest enought with the same efforce and financial resources in general sports.
Nowadays, there are a growing debate surrounding the topic of should the governments constrate its focus on building specialised facilities to train top athletes, rather than providing sports facilities that everyone can
With an ever-increasing concern about how to utilize the purpose of sports facilities, some individuals may have opined that building specialized facilities to train top athletes would bring positive outcomes for this is
There aren't providing sports facilities that everyone can use in some countries. While some countries have providing sports areas for eveyone. the other countries don't care society and they only focus to top athletes.
Nowadays the government provides specialized apparatus to train talented sportsmen for great achievements in the field of sports in various regions. However, it is forgotten to supply facilities for other citizens. To my
Nowadays the government provides specialized apparatus to train talented competition for great achievements in the field of sports. However, it is forgotten to supply facilities for citizens. To my mind, both views are v
In modern society, there has been growing public interest in establishing specialized sports centers which have various professional equipment. There are some people who have claimed that the government should provide sp
In modern society, interest in sports has increased by citizens not only for global Olympic sports but also for daily exercising. There are some people who have claimed that the government should provide sports facilitie
It is widely acknowledged that most countries want to achieve international sports success. The debate is whether the responsible authorities should build specialized places to train their best athletes or just provide s
Some countries accomplish international success by constructing prioritized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports amenities that everyone can utilize. I believe it is a negative development as I th
It is argued that a country to reach international reputation by establishing professional facilities for the elite athletes than providing public facilities for citizens. In my opinion, it brings more negative impacts f
Certain countries prioritize the construction of specialized facilities to train top athletes over providing sports facilities accessible to the general public. I strongly believe that it is a positive development and my
To achieve international success, some countries tend to invest more in specialised facilities for top athlete training than general facilities for the public.There exists a debate about whether this is a positive phenom
Sports have always been an integral part of human civilization, bringing people together and promoting physical and mental well-being. However, there is a debate that some countries choose to achieve this success. Some c
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