IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There has been a divergence of opinions revolving around companies providing employees with perks such as membership of gyms or sports clubs, whether it actually can increase their staffs' health and work effectively. Un
Taking beautiful pictures of the nature is one of my favorite things to do. Sunrise, sunset and moon pictures are very enthusiastic for me. I also have tried many hobbies before, as a result, I really liked reading book!
Most employer's goals in a company is being able to maximize every potential and skill of an employee and how it can be useful to the organisation. One of the ways to achieve this is by providing extra curriculum activit
Employers are always finding effective methods to enhance their workers’ productivity and giving some non-financial benefits to their employees may be a way to achieve their purpose. Now, we will discuss these kinds of H
Almost all companies now offer free or subsidized health centres onsite for their employees. They hope that this would improve the general well-being of the employee and would thereby improve the quality of their work. H
Almost all companies now offer free or subsidized health center onsite for their employees. They hope that this would improve the general well-being of the employee and would thereby improve the quality of their work. Ho
Nowadays employers provide various benefits to their employees to make them effective at work. Some companies believe that sponsoring gyms and sports memberships would achieve their goals while others believe it does no
Recently, there is an argument about the subsidized membership of gym or sports clubs from the companies in order to improve the standard of lifestyles for their staffs. Meanwhile, others have been seeing this opportunit
Sport is an important element nowadays to keep a balanced lifestyle , thus some companies pay for their workers gym memberships to boost their work results, but other employers believe that this is not necesary . In my o
One of the most conscipious trends, of today's world is the colosal upsurge in subsidizing team member with a gym or sports membership. There is a wide spread woory that this may lead to mayrid of concerns in the scoiety
Health and fitness are really important factor for someone life,s. Now many company offers to their employees for subscription membership of gyms and sports club to improve their workforce. Some people opine that this is
Health and fitness are a really vital factor in someone's life. Nowadays, many companies are thinking about their staff health condition and thus incentive them by subscription membership of gyms and sports clubs. While
Employers are always seeking ways to enhance their staff's productivity and subsidizing healthy pursuits may be one way to achieve their goals. Yet, some employers argue and opine that there are not many advantages for p
There is a proverb saying, "Health is wealth", because being fit is not a choice or option. It is a must and should for everyone. Infact, it also helps in being focused and develope our own peace. It is really a great in
Sound health plays an indispensable role in human life and their work performance. That is why many employers seek ways to offer perks, such as gyms or sports clubs sponsorship, with a belief that healthier and happier e
Nowadays, Many companies are providing a range of benefits to its employees, including gym and sport club membership. It is believed that these opportunities will make the staff more effective when working. Some people
Sound health plays very important role in the human life and his work performance. Some companies think that, offering the membership of gym or sports clubs to their staff is can bring many benefits to the company while
A huge number of organizations offer their staff subsidised membership of the gym and sports clubs because they believe that it will make their staff healthier and more productive at work. Whereas, some employers say tha
I agree with this opinion. It is not bad for employers to pay attention to the health of their employees, even if they use the company’s funds. If a person cannot be healthy, he cannot do anything. Employers also used th
Many companies give extra money to employees as a profit because the employer thinks that if he subsidized his staff to go to gyms and sports clubs, it will be useful for the company. Their main purpose is if staff, heal
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