Employees are the backbone of any business. However, there are few professionals who always wanted to get in touch with their staff members mostly all the time, even on their vacation. There are more demerits of this tre
Work is the ability to do something and for this ,reason individuals or institutions employ other people to work for them and be paid. Some of these job givers expect their employers to be available for them at all times
Working manner has been a hot issue in numerous workplaces in recent years.Some workers require the availability of staff at all times including holidays or weekends.In my opinion,this phenomenon should eventually bring
In today's competitive era many organizations wish to keep in touch with their team members on weekends and holidays. I personally think that this development can lead to more issues compared to any advantages it might b
There are times that, employers want their staff to be reachable any time, even during holidays and days off. This essay will explain the pros and cons before giving a conclusion.
It is been argued about the benefits and drawbacks of having a connection with employers all the time during the day and week. In my opinion, this option has more disadvantages than advantages.
In the contemporary era , few workers want to be able to touch with their team at all times,even on weekends.There are some pros and cons related to this issue.This essay will highlight that this is certainly an advantag
Directors sometimes prefer to meet and converse with their employees whenever it is, including on holidays. It is a common belief that interacting with employees as much as possible is extremely helpful for their project
It is true that work and life balance is a very important hotspot in this modern era. Some people believe that contacting their staff at all times, even on holiday can be allowed. Indeed, there are several advantages for
some companies always want to be in touch with their employees around the clock, even if they are on vacation. This kind of work practice always bring negative effect in company's work culture then the positive impact. T
It is considered by certain employers that their employees should be able to contact whenever they need, including on holiday. In my opinion, although this will be beneficial in case of an emergency, there are more drawb
In these days and age, some employees have to receive any calls from their managers the whole day, even on special days. This essay will attempt to elaborate on the main reasons and possible drawbacks of this trend.
Nowadays, productive work for some companies is working all the time, even on weekends; in addition, some managers force their teams to stand by to respond to them. This occasion has pros and cons, which I will discuss i
In this day and age, there are often concerns about maintaining a healthy balance between one’s career and personal life. However, it is a well-established practice among some job owners to keep in touch with their empl
In this day and age, there are often concerns about maintainting a healthy balance between one’s work and personal life. However, it is a well established practice among some employers to keep in touch with their employe
Some companies expect their workers to stay connected at home and to be on call at all hours of the day. I would argue that the drawbacks of staying to keep in touch with work outweigh the benefits.
In this competitive and busy world, every boss of a company wants his employees to be available at all times sometimes on holidays as well. However, there are some merits and demerits linked with this that I will discuss
In the world of globalization, there is blood bath in all sectors. This makes companies to give best possible result throughout the year. As a consequence, employers keep their employees on the toes, irrespective of vaca