IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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That belive which is While a group of people think being for a long time period in prison is the best way to fell crimes, one another group believe that there are other solutions to solving this matter; however, in my ow
Whether longer jail time helps diclining crime rate has been a controversial topic recently. This writers argues that education and financial support are better way this address this problem althought some people think t
In today's world, alternative sentencing has become more popular than longer prison sentences. While some argue that longer prison sentences burden taxpayers, others contend that community services or proper educational
Some people suppose that longer jail time is the most effective way to prevent those potential criminals from committing crimes; however, some other people suppose that there are alternative methods to decrease crime rat
Longer prison sentences are believed to be an effective method to reduce the number of crimes happening in society, whereas others argue that there is another way to decline the cases. In this essay, I will explain both
The discussion of adapting long jail time for a crime-free society is surely one that begs the question of how truly effective it is. Some people claim that such a practice should be entertained as it keeps criminal ins
Crime is a major issue in many countries around the world. Although some argue that longer prison sentences are the most effective way to decrease offences, others disagree. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of th
Crime is a pervasive problem in most cities around the world and this is due to loopholes in the law and order system. Some people believe that longer prison sentences are the best way to decrease the crime rate while o
Many people announce that longer prison sentences are the best way to reduce the crime rate in the country, however; others and I believe that there are several different ways to decrease crime. In this article, I will
Certain individuals argue that in order to decline crime giving decades sentences is a viable option while others think that there are differents ways to stop offending crime. The impending essay will discuss both sides
Statistics in 2009 showed that stroke and cardiovascular diseases were one of the leading causes of mortality among Korean females (Office, 2009). Excessive accumulation of visceral fat and menopause are likely to associ
It is known by many that a high number of prison sentences is one of the best methods to minimize crime whereby other people think that there are other solutions to reduce crime. This essay agrees with the latter point a
In recent times, crime rates are shooting up day by day. Even though, some individuals consider longer prison sentences to be the most effective way to bring down the crime rates, others argue to imply alternative method
Crime is pervasive problem in most countries nowadays. While it is sometimes thought that increasing the jail time is the best possible method to curb the crime, others argue for alternate solutions. In this essay, I w
Crime is increasing globally with every passing day. Law enforcement agencies and authorities are trying to curb this crime ratio. Some people argue that prison is the ultimate way to reduce crime. however, Others believ
Crime rates are increasing globally despite multiple approaches taken to reduce them. Some argue that sentencing offenders to longer jail time would help to reduce crime rates; however, others think there are other bette
As the population is growing, crime rate is soaring. It is believed by some people that increasing the imprisonment period can help in deterring criminals. On the other hand, some people feel different measures should be
Increasing crime rates is a global pervasive problem. Some individuals believe that lengthy incarceration is the best way to decrease criminality, whereas others would argue that alternative ways must be considered to ta
Governments, police and policymakers have long sought ways to decrease crime. While some people believe that lengthy jail sentences are the best way, others think that there are better alternatives. In this essay, I will
Crime has become a concerning topic in most countries and many people have their own opinion on tackling this problem. Some people think that longer jail sentences are the best way to reduce crime while others think ther
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