IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is argued that having an enjoyable job is more important than earning a lot of money while others disagree and believes that a good salary will ensure a better life. This essay  completely agrees with the concept that
Several people adhere to the opinion that it’s more valuable to have a job which you like than to earn a lot of money. Others disagree and think that a good wage leads to a better life. In my opinion, If you have an enjo
There is a wider debate about whether an occupation should be selected based on likeness or depending on the income that it generates. I agree with the view that vocation should be chosen on the person's preference of th
Some think that it is better to have your lovely vocation without considering salary, whereas others believe that a good salary contributes to a better life generally. I mainly believe that practising enjoyable work and
The student is considered as a powerful factor contributing to our potential future. Therefore, what schools should teach them in the 21st century remains a controversial issue. Some argue that History must be seen as th
Various controversy has emerged as to whether enjoyment from work or substantial emolument contributes more to a better life. An enjoyable job could bring a sense of happiness into one’s life, while a considerable and st
Nowadays, there is no doubt huge income offers benificial for the family. While some certain individals think that satisfaction at the job is more crucial than runing behind money. Others claim that a handsom salary is i
Nowadays, there is no doubt huge income offers beneficial for the family. While some certain individuals think that satisfaction at the job is more crucial than running behind money. Others claim that handsome salary is
Certain individuals think that a handsome salary is important to live a comfortable life,however, others believe that satisfaction at the job is more important than running behind the money.In my opinion,this depends on
Some people believes that work which is enjoyable is more significant than work which gives a lot of money or many opportunities in work life, while others disagree with such an idea which work giving a lot of opportunit
Some people believe that work which is enjoyable is more significant than the task which gives a lot of fund or many opportunities in work-life, while others disagree with such an idea which work gives a lot of opportuni
It is widely believed for some people that a job should be enjoyable rather than rewarding in terms of money. Contrarily, others think that earning a good salary directs our life in a better way. It is undeniable that th
Everybody is encouraged to get a job for which they are cut out, but the money-based society has made this counsel seems challenging to follow. For this reason, there have been many contentions about whether people shou
People are encouraged to get a job for which they are cut out, but the money-based society has made this counsel seems challenging to follow. For this reason, there have been many contentions whether people should become
In recent years, human beings have been witnessed to spend most of their time at work. Whereas some individuals prefer working in an interesting position rather than earning a high salary, others claim that a well-paid c
In today world our job is one of the most important aspects of our lives. When it comes to choosing a career some people believe that we should pursue what we desire most, but others say that the amount of money we get
Recently, there is an ongoing debate whether it is important to have an enjoyable environment at work or to have a job that offers good wages. However, I believe that the way’s people think will influence their decision.
It is often argued that, Job which we desire makes us happy when compared with good pay. While, Others think that life becomes better when we earn handsome of money. In my opinion, high salary may makes life easier but d
In the past few decades, there has been a profound increase in many questioning whether their current job is satisfying enough. The aim for any job seeker is to find work which has a great salary and satifaction, but it
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