IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Indeed, people work hard and earn wages for their needs and preferences. So they have the right to claim fair salaries for the work which they have done and keep whatever they want. However, we should not forget that alt
One of the controversial topics today relates to whether people should or should not contribute to the tax system. Although some folks may find it unjustified to be taken a part of their income, I advocate that all citiz
There is no doubt that some people propound that the income they earned should not be paid for tax to their nations. This essay will elaborate on the viewpoints as I partially agree with the statement.
More and more people are becoming against paying taxes.  There are some people who think that it is not necessary to pay taxes to the state. Others are completely against this idea. This essay will argue that why paying
People should always save money for the future because this will add a better retirement and much more confortable life in the future by not needing to work so much. Saving money is a complex thing and it is important th
I disagree with the statement that individuals should not pay taxes to the state. The government runs thecountry from the taxes it collects. Taxes are collected only from those who earn above a certain minimum limit. lt
Citizens have different views about paying funds to the government. Some believe that it is necessary while others think that they should keep their hard-earned money for themselves. I completely agree with the earlier s
Many individuals think governments should not levy taxes on the salaries of citizens, while some say the money they earned is supposed to pay tax to the nation. From my perspective, I personally believe that keeping all
A group of people are debating on the issues of paying tax to the nation, ,however some individuals believe that keeping all the income earned without paying levies to the country, I disagree with the notion as it is a m
it is a fact it is a duty of every native to keep help to holistic development of nation. however, some pepole do not agree with this statement because they think to save money in their account . i do not agree with this
*Compliance with tax has always been a topical issues from time immemorial. Some individuals think that people should be able to retain all their income, and should not remit tariffs to the government.I totally disagree
In every country worldwide, the governments impose taxes and fees on their citizens, however, some people oppose and believe that they should keep all their money to themselves. In my view, I think that every individual
It is often argued whether one should pay a part of their salary as tax to the government or keep all their earnings for themselves. I believe individuals should pay tax as it enables the administration to work for the b
A highly debatable topic of today's time is whether people should pay taxes to the government from their hard-earned money. While some believe that individuals must keep all the money in their own pockets only, I strongl
A highly controversial issue today relates to whether citizens should pay taxes to the government on their income or not. There is no denying the fact that states spend all aggregate taxes collected from the folk on the
Taxation is a compulsory rule for every country. However, A group of people want to take all the income for themselves and not pay duty. I totally disagree with them for two main reasons which are discussed in a further
In this contemporary ear, tax is imposed by the government with the guidence of professinals and is being collected in every part of the world. A part of a society believes that money earned by them should be kept to the
It's often argued that the Government should wave off the mandatory tax policy. This issue is becoming increasingly popular among the young working crowd and has gained much more scholarly attention. Although, paying tax
The only difference between the outer appearance of a wild dog and a pet dog is their fur colours, since wild dogs have black and tan fur. From the movement, their leisurely-looking pace is also similar to the pace of a
Nowadays many believe that is more effective to save their money at home instead the putting it in the fund. Also, the banks today are providing more facilities and reducing the feeds with the intention to have more cli
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