IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Ot
Allowing kids to make their own decisions on everyday matters such as food, clothes and having fun is likely to result in a society of individuals who believe about their own wishes. While others individuals assume that
The topic of whether or not children should be allowed to make their own choices on everyday matters, such as food, clothes, and entertainment, is a contentious one. Both perspectives offer valuable insights into the imp
On the one hand, as other people believe if children are to decide about several things on their own, it is viewed as a society of teenagers who make their own decisions. Children can be wild and may make decisions that
Many individuals believe that to permit youngsters to do their own decision on daily matters is likely to result in a community of people who only think about their own wishes. Other in opinion that it is essential for c
Some would argue that teaching children to make their own decisions on a daily basis is likely to result in a group of inconsiderate people. At the same time, choosing their own needs and wants without the interruption o
In this day and age, teaching children is always an important problem and there are a lot of different opinions about it. Some individuals say that permitting kids to make decisions about every issue is to create a socie
Some people believe that children have to make their own decisions every day while others believe in a different way. I believe that children need to became more independent and make their own choices.
Children treatment is one of the debateful discussions among people. Some believe that giving freedom to youngsters could lead to selfish generation; while others think that giving choice to the youngsters to opt their w
There are different views among people about how we should raise and educate children in an efficient way to have an effective society in the future. Some argue that the most effective way is to give them the freedom of
Some societies argue that children should be allowed to make their own decisions on basic needs, while others oppose it because they will become selfish. In my opinion, it is paramount to let young people decide on their
There are different views among people about how we should raise and educate children in a efficient way to have an effective society in the future. Some argue that the most effective way is to take them the freedom of c
It is thought by a selection of individuals that letting the younger generation decides what they want on everyday matters leading to allowing them to think about themselves, resulting in an isolated society. However, ot
A lots of individuals have an opinion that enable kids to make their decisions on everyday issues (such as meal, clothes and the items in order to entartain). It is often argued that this is a positive development for ch
Some individuals claim that if kids have enough freedom to make their own routine choices like food, entertainment, and clothes, it is similar to the outcome in the society of people who just think about issues which imp
while some people believe if let children choose on their own for their daily routine activities makes them selfish in society when they grow up, others think it is necessary for children to decide about events which are
while some people beileve if let childreen choice by their own for their dayli routine activities make them selfish in society when they grow up, others think it is necessary for children to decide aboput events which ar
Nowadays, there are many views about the ways of children's parenting. It can be showed where some people believe that giving the children freewill to decide on their daily matters, such as food, clothes, and entertainme
Some individuals believe that holistic freedom of decision on ritual matters, such as diet outfits, and hobbies, creates a selfish generation that follows their wishes regardless. In contrast, some say that it's not only
Opinions on the effects of freedom on children are divided. Some individuals argue that letting them choose their daily needs may lead to the development of self-centred characteristics. Others think that it is imperativ
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