IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I would like to mention that nowadays any kind of benevolent activity is in extremely demanded nurturing humanity in our society. Charity organizations participate in the philosophy of human beings in my opinion. That i
Some individuals argue that charity institutions ought to support people of their own nation. However, others believe that these institutions ought to help people who seriously need support not depending on the location
Nowadays, charity is a very strong tool in order to help poor people in our society. Some people argue that charity institutes should only provide help and take care of their own citizens, whilst others say that these no
Nowadays, a lot of charitable foundations and humanitarian organisations think about how best to help their own country or the destitute elsewhere. Some people think that these organisations should just focus on the unde
Some communities feel that social work should only benefit their own country whereas others think organizations must provide help to the needy of any nation. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints and also give m
It is worth noting that international aid campaigns and charity projects are mushrooming and a lot of citizens benefited a lot. Though many assert that these organizations should give a helping hand to those in need desp
Helping people is a great thing to do, thats why paying charity is part of human being responsibility, there are a lot of organizations who working on charity collecting, catogarizing and paying, some organizations are o
It is often urged that donors should help the people in their nation,but other individuals think that these donors should help everybody who needs help without considering where you stay.In this essay I will discuss both
In the today’s world, the financial problems are becoming crucial in various parts of the world and this leads to a poverty in each family. Some organisation therefore take an action to this trouble. Although every perso
Individuals are divided in their opinion regarding that if non-profit organizations should provide aid to folks of their own nation or in every country around the world. I personally believe that, they should help people
The act of philanthropy is a great way to help people in need, be it done locally or at a greater range of distance. With indefinite problems everywhere, we can perform charity in many places. In this essay, I will tell
In terms of charity, there are two different opinions. While some think that charity organisations should only help people in their own country, others believe that these organisations should support the population where
According to some societies, charities should help only those people who live within their national boundaries; however, others opine that they should provide assistance everywhere. In my opinion, it depends on the missi
There are some discussions about whether the charity corporation should only focus on the domestic or should benefit on all people wherever they live. From my standpoint, I reckon that the charity organisation should hel
Issues related to aid provided by voluntary organisations are frequently being discussed these days. Growing concerns are becoming heated questions among the people that such groups should help the needy of their own co
Due to providing support for the people in need around the world, organizations have been modified to handle the situation in different countries. There has been a controversy about whether these organizations should pri
Many individuals believe that charities should assist to the citizens of their own nation rather than whole country. Some believe that these charities organisations should help all over btge world where people need. I be
Although it is believed by certain people that benevolent funds should be allocated among the needy people of their own country,others argue that it should be shared with the individuals of other nations irrespective of
Charities were born from the chaos and wars over the past centuries. Nowadays a plethora of people believe that charities should aim at supporting the domestic people who are suffering, however, I personally contend that
It is argued that organizations should provide financial support to the individuals who possess the greatest social difficulties regardless of their location, whereas others insist that the preference should be given to
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