IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many people think that the free point of kids needs to be benefiting from lessons but on the opposite side, it is a lack of moment. I significantly agree with this statement because an additional activity might increases
Education is a key part of once life , it shape up people life as well as it constructs our country's future.
Some would argue that children should always learn through their leisure activities, otherwise their spare time will have no use. This essay agrees with this statement because by playing intellectual games, children may
In modern times, it has become increasingly common for children to spend hours doing educational activities instead of other hobbies. While there are advantages and disadvantages to academic life. I completely disagree w
There are some experts who believe that children waste their time in case if their leisure activities do not include educational component. Personally, I agree that knowledges play significant role in our life but I cann
It is argued by some that children only allow to do educational activities during their free time. However, I completely disagree with the statement and will discuss how introduction of other activities help children to
In recent times, parents are more conscious about the development of their offsprings. They opine that the free time activities of the pupils must be inclined to their academics rather than wasting their time in recreati
It is believed by many people that all the activities that children take part in should be all about education. Despite the numerous benefits being offered in terms of academic performance, I believe that children should
Education is of great importance to children as well as leisure activities. The goal of some people is to merge education and entertainment into one activity while some believe that failure to do this makes activity poin
It has always been a matter of contemplation whether the children should be involved in education-related activities during their free time or they ought to be given the freedom to enjoy their recreation moment. In my di
In recent times, we could see more psychologists and human activists debating on ideal children's leisure activities owing to the increase in juvenile crime. As these people assume that the internet influence and over-ex
In today's world, to maintain the children are the challenging task for most of the parent. Start from the age of 1st year until 18 years of old. During this period, parent wants to join them in the extra activities beca
In recent times, selective public strongly believes that child's free activities should be knowledgeable, if not it would be a waste of time. I firmly disagree with the statement, because bringing educational activities
Experts thought developing and developed countries have debated on whether students spend time on those activities acquiring educational input or they ought to play games with leisure atmosphere. This essay will discuss
Generally speaking, I would like to explain what leisure activities are meant and why people or children are looking for something stimulating and pleasant. Parents strongly desire to educate their kids in the best way,
Nowadays, many individuals believe that some relaxation activities performed by kids should have some kind of learning from it, without which that time is not utilized in the right way. In my opinion, children should be
At present, energy is the main concern of governments throughout the world. Many countries consume energy, therefore the world cannot meet the enormous potential needs. One way we can take is to use alternative sources o
Certain people have the perception which argues that children’s playtime should involve to gain some knowledge rather than just passing time.As per my experience and knowledge I conclusively disagree this statement due
Some individuals think the kids must involved in such activities in spare time, which promote their education, while others believe if it is not informative it's just futile. This essay disagrees with this trend because
To derive a double benefit from anything is considered a bonus, and this is especially the case when discussing leisure activities for children. The idea to fuse both education and entertainment into one activity is a go
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