IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some individuals thought that it is preferable to group students in small classes, while others would say that the number of kids in the classes really it is not important. I believe it is preferable to teach few student
Humongous people believe that it is better languages for pupils in small classes. Other people think the total of students in the classes no problems. In this essay will discuss the topic related to that.
Nowadays, it is widely argued that size of class directly impact on sufficiency of the lesson and how well students conceive the knowledge, information that their language tutor give them. However other believe that the
It is argued by some individuals that linguistic skills can be improved easily in small classes, while other categories of humans believe that the number of people is not important to learn language.I think it really de
It is important to teach language in any educational system. Although some people say that language classes would be small and learn a few number of students, others believe that the number of students is not important.
Although, many people think students learn language in small groups, bigger classes are better for people which they can learn more effective.
Mini or individual groups are much more comfortable for students who are learning the language ,however, numerous people said, that groups are not important for learners.
Mini or individual groups much more confortable to students who are learning the language ,however numerous people said, groups not imortant for learners.
It is thought by some people that language schools should offer small classes for learners while others say it does not matter how big the classes are. In the following paragraphs, both viewpoints and my opinion will be
People have different views on whatever class sizes matters for language courses. While some agrue that large classes can allow teacher to focus more on providing quality content, I believe that teaching in small groups
Extensive research has been done to show the best conditions to, learn languages. Class size is one such fiercely debated topic. Some people opine that small classes as being better for students. However, others say that
Many people argue that language learners should take part in classes with few students present instead of participating in crowded courses. I totally agree with this idea. That is because, although learning a new languag
Proponents believe that learning the language in small classes has significant improvement whereas opponents argue that the size of the class does not matter. As far as I am concerned, small-group learning has a plethora
Some contemporary communities believe that language should be taught in small groups, while others believe that language education should expand to include learning in various situations within those groups. In this arti
There are two different opinions about the best way to teach languages. While some people think that it is better for learning to have a class with fever students, others argue that the size of the class does not matter.
Living in a global village, it is crucial that we learn a second language to communicate with people from other nations. While language can be taught in different ways, some said that it is better to learn from small cla
Opinions are decided on whether pupils ought to learn a language in small class or whether it has nothing to do with the number of them. I will discuss both views and reasons why I support the latter view will be provide
More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building houses. Why is this? Who benefits from this, the communities or these
Few individuals believe that language classes should be teach in minute rooms because it is unimportant skill. But others reject this notion and claim that number of learners doesn't matter. In my, opinion i m totally di
In temporarary world it is significant to learn more than 2 foreign language. To be advanced in a language people usually go to language centers, hire a tutor or choice learing by themselves. Some people claim that the l
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