IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary era, people find it easy to choose their lifestyles freely. I strongly agree with this notion and my reasons will be presented in the following paragraphs.
A common belief is that, in this day and age, there are too many options in life for human. This is the firm opinion of this writer that, because of the improvement in living standard coupled with ancestor’s prior insigh
Thanks to progress, people around the world do not feel a lack of choices related to any area of life. I truly believe that as more choices we have, as more evolutionary directions we gain. But, such variety makes some
In today's world, the majority of people think that we have got too many options to choose from. The technology and internet make a vast but not useful choice for us. This essay will express my disagreement with this ide
In today's world, majority of people thinks that we have got too many options to choose from.The technology and internet make a vast but not useful choices for us. This essay will express my disagreement with this idea,
Up-to-date, there is a consideration that human beings possess with majority of choices. This essay agrees with that statement completely and will support this view with arguments in the following paragraphs.
In an era where technological advancement is developing exponentially, people are offered many options to choose from in their daily lives, from food, clothes, transportation, entertainment, etc. Personally, I agree that
Modern society is characterised by an abundance of choices, whether in the marketplace, the media or even in personal lives. While some people embrace this diversity, others feel overwhelmed by these choices. From my per
Many people claim that in recent years society face too many options. I strongly agree with the idea that there are many choices to be chosen. I will support this view with arguments is the following paragraphs.
Throughout history, there have been significant developments in various aspects of human life thanks to technological advancements, offering a vast array of choices for individuals. I wholeheartedly agree with the notion
In today’s technological era, a wide range of choices is provided for everyone which have argued is overwhelming. I strongly agree, to some certain extent, and I will discuss my view.
It is believed that people's choices have increased these days. I partially agree with this idea as technology has improved many industries however it can limit our selection.
Today, societies face a lot of options in their life such as food we can eat or products we use. People think that it would be too much, but I disagree since many choices help us to accommodate what we want and create co
In this contemporary year, A group of society think that there is a wide range of options available in the world. I tend to be on the same wavelength with this opinion for the reasons , I will demonstrate below.
It is generally accepted that people today have a lot of choices, especially when it comes to everyday needs such as choosing food or purchasing new clothing. In this essay, I completely agree with this statement by pres
In this day and age, there is a wide range of options available including restaurants, educational institutions, and retail stores. Hence, there is contention over whether our society has too many selections to opt for.
With current advancement of technology and social media, we may feel overwhelmed for having too many preferences. I agree with this statement and this essay will explain about the impetus behind it.
It is true that we are living in the modern era in which the phenomena of globalization have been more ubiquitous than ever before. It leads to a contemporary society that offers an endless abundance of choices. Accordin
There is no denying the fact that many people have the freedom to choose what they wander. While it is a commonly held belief that these days, nations have various options in their lives. In my opinion, I consider as te
In this modern era, the faster revolution by developing technology has provided society with a wide array of options. People can pick and choose favourable prospects with a range of available nearby options like food and
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