IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people argue that wages should not be paid for teenage workers who spend their free time on work in the community so that can lead to some beneficial skills to teenagers and also good to the community. In my opinion
In today’s life, many people suppose that if young individuals take part in voluntary jobs, it will bring advantages to both themselves and the community. Although this is partly true, I argue that we should not force th
In recent years, some individuals assert that young people must involve in social work without any financial benefit, in their leisure time, as the advantage for both sides community and teenagers. I entirely agree. Firs
There is no doubt that volunteering is a vital benefit idea that has ultimate number of benefits. Recently, The concept that teenagers should voluntary has become datable topic that many agree while other reject the noti
There is a growing belief among some individuals that teenagers should be obliged to participate in unpaid community work during their leisure time. While this may have some advantages for both teenagers and the communit
In today's day and age, a few folks believe that volunteer work should be essential for youngsters in their spare time. Consequently, this can constructive for teenagers and the overall society. This essay agrees with th
It is often suggested by most people that adolescents should participate in social activities during their free hours without cost. Although this brings enough benefits to young people as well as to society. This essay a
According to certain individual's belief, teens should engage in social services for free during their leisure, considering that it would be beneficial to teen population and other majority of the society as well. In my
In this contemporary epoch, the public has become fully aware of the importance of voluntary work, especially when it is conducted by youth in their free time. I strongly support this view and will elaborate my stance in
Many people argue that younger generation should volunteer for free in their spare time, which would be beneficial for them and society as a whole. I strongly agree with this view as described as the following paragraphs
Some people are of the beliefs that adolescent in their free time should be made to carry out unrewarded community service. This can impact positively on both the community and the teenagers. Although it is nice that yo
Unpaid society jobs should be mandatory for teenagers during their free hours to ensure both teenagers as well as communities are getting benefitted. I completely agree with the opinion as while doing so, these children
A group of public argue that young children should serve a community free of cost in their leisure time, which helps to carry out fruitful results for both of them. I strongly support that view of people because doing so
A group of people argue that young children should serve the community free of cost in their leisure time which helps to carry out fruitful results for both of them. I strongly support view that of the public because t
There is an argument that according to a few,masses adolescents ought to participate in humanity's efforts by volunteering. In my opinion, I radically agree with this statement because this boosts the curriculum vitae o
Teenage is the one of the crucial period in one's life as during this age itself, a person can able to explore and understand the wide horizons of life in societal perspective. Teenagers during this time are naive and d
Many people agree that volunteering work will benefit the young generation and also community cohesion. While I agree that assigning an appropriate workload of volunteer jobs to teenagers would encourage them to realize
There are some who think that people on their childhood ought to require to do community work without profit on their free time. This could bring advantages to teenagers also for the community. I believe and agree that h
Teenagers plays an important role to the society, as they must do social work for society in their leisure hours. It will ease the community as well as teenagers. Teenagers get to know the value of helping to society. In
Nowadays, it is very common for teenagers to be involved in some kind of unpaid community service during their off-term time which is either part of the school curriculum or they are advised by their elders to do so. Ind
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