IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is undeniable that due to the poverty, and social in equality, the number of crimes are rose in certain nations. While some individuals believe that a punishment for each crime's category should be fixed. Conversely,
When considering the question of fixed punishments versus individual circumstances, there are varying perspectives. On one hand, proponents advocate for predetermined penalties for each category of crime. Conversely, opp
Corruption amount has been upsurged nowadays, that's why, few individuals hold the view that a fixed forfeiture for every type of wrongdoing is a perfect way to decrease it, whereas, a section of society claims that pena
The increase in crime rate nowadays has brought about controversy if the severity of the crime committed should determine the penalty given regardless of the circumstances surrounding each sin. There are valid points to
In contemporary society, an enduring debate regarding the manner in which crimes should be punished is becoming a prominent segment. In fact, each and every misconduct should be given some sort of punishment. Some people
In the contemporary world, there are proponents who believe that all criminals must be treated equally and should get penalized in the same way,while others are of the mindset that scene of the crime should be considered
In modern world, we can see proliferation in number of crimes. Some people argue that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crimes, however, some others have an opinion that the circumstance and the motivati
There are many ideas about the method of judgment for each criminal's behaviour. Some people have a positive attitude towards fixed punishments for every crime. In contrast that some experts have a opposite view and beli
In today’s world, the discussion is more around punishment instead of making efforts to reduce crime. Some people believe that punishment shouldn’t be judged by crime and treated equally in trial. On the other hand, peop
While others believe that each type crime should have the same level of punishment, others argue that it not only about the crime itself ,but also about the reason of committing it.This essay discusses whether it right t
In this modern era, there is an increment of crimes in the world. Few masses think that punishment should be fixed for any type of crime. However, others believe that the situations of a single crime, and the provoking f
In this modern era, there is an increment in crime rates in the world. Few masses think that punishment should be fixed for any crime. However, others believe that argue that the situation of every case, provoking for co
Punishment is necessary for criminals to deter them from committing the same mistake again and to discourage others to commit the same type of crime. Some people argue that fixed punishments should be given for each type
Many people hold the view that punishments on offenders need to be fixed, while others think the judgement should take into account the complex backgrounds on which a criminal act happens. Personally, I believe that a re
folk have different views on how offenders should be treated. While there are some benefits of having a particular sanction for some crimes, I believe that the seriousness of the offence should be well-considered when i
Some people have confidence in saying that each kind of misconduct ought to possess fixed sanctions while on the other hand some claim that before deciding the punishment is individual should be asked about the reason fo
Some people have confidence in saying that each kind of crime ought to possess fixed punishment, while on the other hand, some claim that before deciding the punishment each individual should be asked about the reason fo
Getting punished for the thing that someone has done wrong is a good option for them to teach the lesson. But saying that for each and every crime the punishment should be the same is not a valid point. Punishment sho
Some people often argue whether there must be fixed punishments for any crime or the circumstances and reasons of committing a crime should be consider before inflicting punishment. Here, I will discuss both views since
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is the discussion about the punishment of a crime always the same or according to the circumstances is a widespread worry that this will only lead to a myriad of concer
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