IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The tourism industry is growing very fast nowadays. A various number of people often travel on different occasions, for holidays or for work. Certain people suggest, that whoever visits another country, should adopt loca
While some people think that the tourists should follow local customs and attitudes where they travel to visit there due to protect local culture from changing or destroying, others, including myself, believe it is again
It is argued by some that travellers should abide by the local customs and behaviour, while others believe that the host nation should appreciate the differences. This essay is going to discuss both views before agreeing
Folks suppose that tourists should ensure concern rules and conducts. However, the authority should confer them free access to express their festival diversity. From my perspective, foreigners have the right to stay at n
There is a popular saying that goes, "when in Rome, act like the Romans". I believe this is an appropriate statement that mirrors my opinion regarding how tourists behave in countries that they go on holidays in. Others
A wide range of people believes that newcomers of a country should have to be respectful to their host by following the local culture. Others have a different perspective that the host needs to be flexible by accepting n
A handful of people believe that foreigners should adopt the local tradition and rituals of the visiting agrarian, while other say the welcoming provincial ought to get permission to live foreigner according to their cul
Developing rich cultural knowledge have paved the way toward effective communication between different communities. It is often claimed that foreigners have to understand the norms and values of a local society whereas o
All the countries are unique in terms of their customs and traditions. It is generally claimed by some individuals that tourist on the time of arrival regarding business or holiday in other countries should adopt a loca
For decades different countries have had various cultural peculiarities. While some believe that the local lifestyle should be followed by foreigners, I am convinced that tourists ought to reach the balance between their
Part of the population believes that newcomers when visiting different countries should respect and adapt their attitudes to the usual behaviour of that place. Others believe that the hosting country should be flexible a
Our world has numerous countries following different traditions. This diversity has always been intriguing a lot of people. Consequently, people have started travelling more to discover these practices prevalent in vario
Travellers are like the migratory birds who explore and spread their learning among different places they visit. Even tourists are disliked by some citizens as they bring their own culture with them. This essay will elab
It is surprising that people in this vast spread world follow a variety of cultures and the availability of transports have made it possible for people to travel around. However, one might get perplexed when they are in
In this present world, people are travelling across continents more than ever before. Even though this greatly contributes to cultural exchange, certain rules regarding respecting cultural differences should be followed.
It is important to consider whether local conventions and behaviours of a nation should be followed by tourists or not. However, while some believe that visitors must behave as per these common customs, I would argue tha
The lifestyle of people hass been changed day by day, people love to travel more frequently to new place with new customs,traditions and behaviour as well. Some people say that visitors should learn and follow the local
People have different views about following different cultures in travel. Some people reckon that visitors should follow local customs of the country they visit whereas the opponents of this idea believe that these count
Although it is often believed that local customs and behaviour ought to be respected by arrivals, others are of different stance and deem that cultural disparities should be embraced by the hosts. The main tenet of my op
Although it is often believed that local customs and behavior ought to be respected by arrivals, others are of different stance and deem that cultural disparities should be embraced by the hosts. The main tenet of my o
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