IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The number of people considers that the tourists have to adapt to the host country’s traditions and conduct . However, the opponents of this idea maintains that the countries should accept the ethnic practices and person
While a group of people claim that aligning with local traditions and practices should be mandatory for tourists throughour their accommodation, certain individuals contend the notion that visited countries should be tol
Tourism around the world is developing and the number of tourists visiting in the country is also increasing. This has led people to create two groups, one who so supports the host country, that should accept diverse cul
There are various customs around the world. While many support visitors to follow regional customs, others argue that cultural differences should be celebrated by the host nation instead. This essay will explain both vie
Some individuals believe that foreign visitors should adapt on the local customs and behaviours of the country they are visiting. However, others disagree with this idea and initiate that locals must accept the cultural
Work-life balance is a debatable argument. Groups of individuals claim that it is vital to dedicate our time to building a great career. However, others believe in spending time with family and friends. I personally thin
Some say that when individuals travel, they should respect the culture of those places, while others believe that people should accept and welcome other civilazation and their way of thinking. This essay would argue that
Certain group of individuals ponder that foreign travellers need to accept local culture and rules for another country while other people opine that nations should allow to ignore any cultural differences for strangers o
Nowadays, we are living in a world always more international where many foreign people travel to other countries to know other cultures and places. This creates problems, some people believe that visitors to other countr
All region have their own customs and values. The standard of living of that province is based on their customs and behaviours. Cultural differences in a good manner is the highest challenge for every person.
It is argued that tourists who travel to other countries should respect the culture of the host country, whereas other people believe that nations should respect tourists from different cultures and welcome them into the
Culture and customs help people to keep a connection with their country and the country is represented by their culture and traditions. Some people argue that tourists to other countries should follow their culture and c
With developing globalisation and tourism activities, people could catch a chance to travel to foreign countries in their leisure time. This situation causes some positive and negative results for local people and their
Tourists from all over the world are encouraged to follow this code of conduct. For many people, this perspective permits the coexistence of various customs within a nation's borders. Therefore, this article will discuss
There is an opinion that tourists who go to visit different cultures should respect local traditions. However, some people hold the opposite view that the host nation should welcome cultural diversity. The objective of t
The traditions, customs, believes and behaviours of the countries depend from one another. Some People undergo that foriegners are mandotory to follow the local customs and behavfours while others disagree with it. I ful
In some countries, people tend the host to follow their customs and others think that foreigners may do everything they want. It is clear that there are some differences between peoples' thoughts.
The catch-all term " when in Rome, do as the Romans do" has sparked controversy regarding the attitude of visitors in foreign countries. Some individuals assert that travellers should adhere to local customs and behaviou
The interaction between visitors and host countries has long been a subject of debate. Some argue that visitors should adhere to local customs and behaviour, while others advocate for embracing cultural differences. This
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