IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Poor situations in life are inevitable. However, there are two main views on this opinion, whether we should accept the bad situation or improve the situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or lack of money, while others
There is no denying the fact that, working is essential thing to life in a relevant way. While it is a commonly held belief that, improving yourself and your care always is very crucial, others think that staying in the
Whether dealing with a bad situation with the sense of accepting or improving is a controversial topic today. The writer advocates the idea of face-to-face harsh times to benefit self-esteem and life quality despite the
Humans have different kinds of life with special conditions and sometimes these conditions are changed. The majority of individuals claim that this is a reasonable way to deal a hard circumstances like, a low salary or a
It has long been a topic of discussion whether people ought to be easygoing amid adversities like insufficient personal funds or undesirable employment or ,instead they must display resistance by ignoring the condition
Every individual undergoes various challenges in life, and many succeed in overcoming them. A debate has started on whether to mould according to the situation is preferred or try to take it as a challenge and make it a
Nowadays, many people tend to have a job that does not fulfil their life with gratification, or the salary is not enough as it should be. While some others try to reach their goals, for example a proper monthly pay or im
Some are of the belief that going with the flow and accepting “not ideal” scenarios in life is best for them. Whereas, some others tend to try to change the situation and make it acceptable. From my point of view, as hum
Everyone has different ideas to solve a bad situation. Some people believe to accept the bad situation is the best choice. However, others think that people should try to improve such situations.
Society consists of various opinions on accepting a bad situation. Some of them believe that they should bow to these difficulties and another group came up with the idea that there must be a way to fix it. There is no i
There is an argument over whether people should accept a bad circumstance like an undesirable job or a lack of money or try to make change. While people have their own reason to get along with the situation, I agree with
In recent years, an increasing number of individuals have found themselves grappling with personal challenges that can be quite daunting. While some argue that embracing difficult situations is the preferred approach, ot
Everyone have different ideas to solute a bad situation. Some people believe to accept the bad situation is the best choice. However, others think that people should try to improve such situations.
In recent years, more and more people are facing numerous challenges related to their personal life that are difficult to deal with. While some suggest that the acceptance of terrible situations should be a preferred cho
In our life, there is situation that favours us and some don’t, depending upon our performance. In this regard people have different opinions, some say it is best to accept bad situations and some say it is always good
Some argue that it is better to accept unsatisfactory work or less salary .while, others believe it is best to improve the situation.,Personally both views are true but I am with the first view.
Some individuals claim that it is good to receive a bad situation, such as an unpleasant job or lack of money. Others believe that society should struggle and try at any time. I support those who think that the public s
Some people consider that horrible conditions such as unsatisfactory occupation or shortage of salary should be accepted as the top things, while others opine that those situations are better to be endeavoured and improv
These days, more and more people become hesitant to change as they do not want to break out of their comfort zone. Consequently, they tend to accept some negative situations, such as undesirable occupations or lack of ca
There is a public debate among people in society these days regarding what actions should be taken in bad situations . Common sense believes that trying hard and having some positive impacts to improve the situation is
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