IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary year, acceptance or revision are one of the most common and debatable issues for individuals. A part of the community thinks that the way to obatine benefical conclusions for various events -such as
Someone considering to accept a bad situation is the best, because they cannot change the objective conditions. They believe that people can develop the qualities such as emotional stability, resilience. Some people argu
There is no denying the fact that people have to face some difficult situations in their lives. While it is a commonly held belief that it would be better for us to accept bad situations, there is also an argument that t
It is argued by many that confirming a bad circumstance will be the best, for instance unpleased occupation or shortage of income. On the contrary, some thought that attempt and enhance would be better in order to accept
Some group of people are of the opinion that the best way to change the situation is just accept that, for instance an unsutible job or lack of money, and some others assume that, attempt and improve such situation it wo
Some induviduals claim, that unpleasant occupation or lack of salary should be accepted,while others suggest to accomplish with such problems. From my perspective, even if acceptance is not disturbing comfort zone,it wil
There is no denying the fact that try to gain a lot of money by work on a bad situation several people think about it. While it is a commonly held belief that nowadays many people want to do anything such as unusual job,
There is no denying that our lives have been always good. Some people assume naively that should endure inadequate circumstances, while some other people argue that should make an effort to improve unsatisfactory positio
Some people assume naively that should endure inadequate circumstances, while some other people argue that should make an effort to improve unsatisfactory positions. In this essay, I shall discuss both viewpoints by givi
In this global life, we have to understand that unfortunate situations are unadvoided. It occurred in any time that unpredictable, but the important thing is how we embrace this truth and what the measures for this is it
How to handle a difficult situation can vary from person to person. While some prefer to adapt to the situation, others try to cope with it. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the latter group.
Some people are of the opinion that the best way is deal with bad situations such as lack of money and doing some job that we are not satisfied with. But some others believe that if do effort and try to improve situation
A group of individuals present the view that accepting unpleasant circumstances such as an undesirable career or low income is the best way to tolerate the situation, whereas others believe that it is highly beneficial t
A group of individuals present the view that accepting an unpleasant circumstances such as an undesirable career or low income is the best way to tolerate the situation, whereas others believe that it is highly beneficia
In today's world full of conflict, greed, and constant struggles to succeed people have different views about whether they should tolerate undesirable situations or they should take some actions to change the circumestan
A number of people believe that everybody should accept their bad situation, for instance, a job which is not the one you want or lack of money while others believe it is much better to try and develop these kinds of sit
A number of people believes that everybody should accept their bad situation, for instance a job which is not the one you want or lack of money while others believes it is much better to try and develop these kind of sit
Some individuals believe that accepting unfortunate situations is the way to live, while others opposed the idea and propose to try and improve such situations. I agreed with the later opinion, that we should try our bes
There is a common belief that we have to contend that embracing challenging situations like an unsatisfactory job or financial scarcity, is optimal. Conversely, others argue that this is more beneficial if we actively se
a majority of citizens think that it is better cope with bad situation than improve and modify this situation. Overall, coping with bad situation can cause variety of personallity growth which people should be considred.
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