IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that today in developed and developing countries a large portion of kids can play computer games on a daily basis, and some think that this may have negative consequences, this essay will discuss that and put
Currently, access to computers is available for the majority of people with their own ones or with the help of computer clubs regularly. However, this improvement is causing the massive prevalence of computer games amon
The phenomenon of children playing computer games may affect their health and communication skills has aroused wide concern among various circles. Divergent as people's views on this issue in question may be, I personall
Today, people use computers more frequently than before and it is even readily available for children to play computer games. It has a lot of damaging effects and the main impacts are getting addicted to it and harming e
In today’s highly digital society, many children have been increasingly spending an important amount of their time on computer, specifically on playing games. This has impacted seriously their lifestyle in terms of loss
In this modern age, with ubiquitous access to computers, video games have become a popular activity for children. This trend is causing childhood obesity and other related diseases that arise from too much computer gamin
At this time many people have wide internet access and because of that a large number of children play computer games. Computer games cause addiction in teenagers and harm children's health and body . Preventing such thi
A group of people argue that computer games have a fatalistic impact on children.I believe that video games have both pros and cons for kids , in this essay I will go more in-depth about this phenomenon and give crucial
Some are of the opinion that computer games are negative effects on children. This essay will argue that this opinion generally true.
It is widely believed that these days many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a big number of children play computer games. In my opinion, there is certainly that the positive and negative impacts of pla
Nowadays video games reign in the realm of children's playing time, never did a toy or a board game occupy more time in the everyday activities of a kid. However, there are many who hold the idea that computer games infl
Few individuals believe computer games have negative effects on youngsters. I agree with the given statement because there are many demerits of playing computer games such as losing interest in outdoor activities as well
In this contemporary era,there is heated argument over issues that number of individuals believe in artificial intelligence games have bad impact on pupils.A majority of society favour that mentioned phenomenon.However,I
In connection whith wide spreading computers on people, a lot of kids join to computer games. In fact, it brings set of issues in defferent areas of childrens life. Two of the most relevant problems are jeopardy for thei
In the modern world, people cannot imagine their life without cutting-edge technology, although there are some bad habits for the youth generation such as playing video games. Children should study or play outside inste
It is widely seen nowadays that people can enlighten their life with computers and kids also expose to such kinds of computer games. In this essay, the problems and the solution will be discussed further.
At the moment, a plenty of people use computers widespread and also many children have access to play computer games. The main negative impact of playing video games is deterioration of health and we can solve this probl
It is certainly true that a plethora of people have access to gadgets. Hence, children and adults are usually stuck behind computers and video games. This has led to huge problems in people's lives and some actions can b
Nowadays, almost all people around the world have their own computers and access to the internet, so many children play computer games. The main negative impact of playing computer games is the violation of the mental st
Nowadays, almost all the people around the world have their own computers and access to the internet, so many children playing computer games. The main negative impact of playing computer games is the violation of the me
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