IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, almost all the people around the world have their own computers and access to the internet, so many children playing computer games. The main negative impact of playing computer games is the violation of the me
It is not undeniable that the use of computers has been increasing over the decade. Even though the consumption of computers is mostly for education, many children consider it as a play station which may have an unfavour
In today's world, many people think that excessive use of electronic gadgets are causing a lot of damage to mankind. Kids are becoming addicted to video games. In this essay, I shall elaborate on my point of view by anal
Today’s generation have access to technology on a wide basis and a lot of children playing computer games almost every day all day. This is mainly because of the lack of children’s wish. There are number of solutions th
A number of people advocate that using computer in education is increasing and it’s affirmative phenom although some people don’t agree with that. Some people suppose that rise of applying technologies in education would
At the moment, computers are widely used in everyday life and many children tend to play computer games. This essay wil examine the disadvantages of computer games and and addressing negative consequences.
Technological evolution has invaded our life in various aspects. As a result, video games are becoming more popular among children. it is thought that this phenomenon is leading to detrimental effects on youngsters' phys
In modern world, access to computers significantly increased and the number of youths playing computer games increased too. However, playing computer games can cause negative influence on children. This essay will consid
These days, individuals have unlimited access to computers all around the world and a number of minors play games on a daily basis. In my point of view, it could have bad effects on children in the future. This essay wil
It is an undeniable fact that nowadays, in this contemporary world computers and any other electronic devices are in great demand. Almost every second person has a computer and there is no person who would not have a pho
It is widely argued that spending time on computer games may impact a child's health and social skills negatively while some say otherwise. Computer games have a multitude of benefits improving logical reasoning and enh
Multiple studies have shown around 1 in 10 kids are addicted to video games.The current generation of children is obsessed with computer games, while parents feel that it provides no academic benefit, it also affects th
The current generation of children is obsessed with computer games, while parents feel that it provides no academic benefit, it also affects the cognitive and physical development of a child. In this ,essay we will discu
It has become a common trend that children play internet games.While certain individuals argue that this has a bad influence on the kid's health and social skills,others say otherwise.Both thoughts will be adequately dis
Technology and computers are becoming an essential part of human life. In this tech savy world a lot of people have accessible reach to computers, that is to say children spend excessive time playing video games. This es
In recent times, children's usage of computer games increase because of development of the technology. Some people believe that playing computer games have adverse consequences in children's well-being while others say i
Technology is a great method to learn something new.Few masses think that computer games lead children bad habbits.While other people belive that computer games are very important for the brain development of students
Many believe that gaming has mainly to the youngster's health and social skills. Others think that they get benefitted from this activity. This essay will analyze the pros and cons of this trend and explain why in my op
It is getting easier for individuals to get access to computers widely and a lot of children are familiar with playing computer games. I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and raise a solusion fo
In the modern era, the computer is an inevitable need in our daily life and it does not have any limits. Therefore, a fair number of experts believe that while accessing these computers there may be pros and cons for our
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