IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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At this time a large number of people have an opportunity to use the internet often so, as a result,a lot of children play computer games. That could be a reason for several problems with health and to solve this problem
In these recent days and ,ages younger ones used to prefer electronic games rather than outdoor play .Several individuals are at the notion that it can lead to a detrimental effect on pupils .I see an eye-to-eye notion w
A few individuals think that playing online games has an adverse effect on pupils' health and social skills whereas some people feel that it has a positive impact. In this essay, I will discuss both viewpoints and give m
Technology has gone through unprecedented advancement. Furthermore, it is common for each household to have one computer, and it is popular among all ages, especially young children. In this essay, I will discuss how com
In recent years, scientific statistics indicate that many children are hooked up to playing computer games. Some people believe digital games are beneficial to children's mental well-being and social skills while others
During childhood,allowing children to pick up the suitable entertainment is a critical decision because being healthy and establishing social skills will be influencing how the kids' spare time is going on ,some people a
During childlihood,allowing to children to pick up the suitable entertainment is the critical decision because , being healthy and establishing social skills will be influencing through how the kids's spare time is goin
Excessive periods of time spent in front of the computer screen playing games can certainly bring about certain physical and behavioural problems. Children who play a lot of computer games are in a sedentary position fo
Over the past decades, the world has evolved substantially in terms of technological advancement. Using computer becomes a daily basis task and children have more exposure with computer games compared to the past. There
People have different options regarding computer games.It is argued that nowadays nations have unlimited opportunity to use laptops, and an especially huge portion of the young generation spends their time computer games
Computer programs are widespread in the contemporary world , which encourages youngsters to involve in graphically simulated games. With this trend , arrives multiple sides effects as well as positive impacts.
In today's time, most households have a computer and children are prone to spend a large amount of time on computers playing games. Throughout this essay, I will explore the detrimental effects such behaviour has on the
An increasing number of people including youngsters are using computers widely, and playing games on their devices has become a favourite pastime activity for every young child. Such a trend leads to some drawbacks and s
An increasing number of people including youngsters are using computers widely and playing games on their devices has become a favourite pastime activity for every young child. Such a trend leads to several drawbacks and
Despite the fact that the computer plays a crucial role in the modern-day and can be accessed conveniently by the majority of people. Nevertheless, it has various drawbacks when children play computer games. In this essa
Despite the fact that the computer plays a crucial role in the modern day and can be accessed conveniently by the majority of people. Nevertheless, it has the various drawbacks when the children play computer games. In t
In our modern world, computers play a vital role which assisting humans in various ways including designing and calculating infrastructure, constructing artwork, analyzing finance work, etc. However, there are some gro
Despite knowing about the impacts of video games on children, while many people have access to computers on a regular basis, an enormous number of children play video games in an unsafe way. This essay will examine the m
It is argued that a myriad of teenagers has been affected by computer games. I totally agree that teens are addicted to these games and have an adverse impact on their life.
Nowadays, the question of whether a large number of children play computer games has bad effects owing to accessing the computer easily has been receiving a great deal of public attention. This essay will look at some pr
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