IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Other locations and different dishes are things that many individuals love to try as a new experience. Others believe that keep doing the usual things is preferable for them. This essay will discuss both views and also I
While Some people like to do new activities such as trying unfamiliar foods and going to new places on holiday, others prefer to keep doing similar things as well as similar places to visit. In the bellow essay, I will e
It is said that some community members are fond of exploring new places and trying out new cuisines whereas others stick to their old habits and do not usually prefer new life stories. I personally believe having a curio
There are contradictory views about whether one should keep doing the same things day after day or approach as many new things as possible. While a conservative attitude has some merits, I believe challenging ourselves w
In today’s times, we have easy access to the world. People prefer to explore unfamiliar places and taste different cuisines whereas some people love to stay in their comfort zone and do things which they are used to. In
It is being said that the future generation will be more inclined towards travelling in their own nation rather than spending time exploring new countries during their vacation. If questioned, I strongly disagree with t
There is no doubt that each individual has a set of choices. While some people love to explore new places and consume different food items, others choose to stay with their regular preferences. In this essay, I will disc
In this contemporary era, the masses are preferring exploring different places and cuisines, however, at the same time, an overwhelming majority of people still want to stick to the basics or things they are acquainted w
Individuals are often encourage to explore new things in their lives. However, there is a debate between trying out new things and performing familiar things. This essay will discuss both these viewpoints, followed by an
In this era, some people promote travelling to other countries and trying different foods while a few others are of the opinion that staying in your own country is for the greater good. I think they may all have their re
With the constant discoveries and evolution in our society, we are constantly faced with new options, some people are open to exploring new ideas, while others think it's safer to stick with what they know. Personally,
The world is broadly categorised into two segments: the first category of people who like to explore new places and try different kinds of food while the other category prefers to stay in their comfort zone and keep doin
In today's society, some people believed that trying new things such as travelling to new places and eating new foods should be more enjoyable, while others folks thought that the focus should be on such things which are
A certain number of people prefer to taste unfamiliar things , for instance, new types of meals or unknown places, whereas others rely on stability. The following essay will discuss two sides of the statement.
there is no doubt, that these days people are spilt into two kinds. the first one is those who love travelling to new countries to see their culture and try homemade food. the others don't like to change their circle o
Nowadays most people are willing to try new things like tasting different varieties of food and visiting many places and, on the other ,hand there are also some of them who prefer to live their routine life. Although, Bo
In recent times, Few individuals favour visiting new places and trying different cuisines while others have contradictory natures. In my opinion, there is no harm in trying something new as it develops cordial relationsh
Nowadays,people are living an adventurous life compared to before. While Some people visit international places and try varieties of cuisine,others believe that they are happy with the things which are well-known to them
Nowadays, the image of someone who is open to the new experience is circulating all over the media, because this lifestyle is highly supported by many Instagram and YouTube bloggers. However, there is a totally other app
Nowadays, people hold different views regarding their approach to life. While some are keen to explore novel experiences, others prefer to stick with what they are already familiar with. In my opinion, although the latte
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