IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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One of the most prevalent trends in the contemporary world is the cumulative increase in people moving to different companies for good jobs and peace of mind. Many companies do counselling with their staff members to st
In recent years, numerous people belive that doing monotone activity is more convinence. At the same time, there are individuals who doing various activity to enjoy their lives. This essay will discuss both view and my
People differ in their attitude towards taking risks, with some people seemingly born to be risky and others rather risk averse. This essay will look into the advantages and disadvantages of an adventurous attitude and c
Over the last half century he pace of change in the of human beings has increased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological and scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we vie
Nowadays, some strongly believe that not experiencing changes in their life is better than facing many ups and downs. The following essay will discuss two sides of this phenomenon and state personal opinions.
There seems to be a lack of consensus in the way we live our lives. While some people argue that it is better to do the same activities and ignore drastic changes in your routine, others, including myself, believe that c
Every individual has a special view of life in general, and, while we can discuss positive or negative behaviours, it is up to each one of us to live our lives as we want, as long as we do not influence others or societ
Some individuals think making differences in their lives are challenging and they prefer to stay in their comfort zone, while others believe that doing change is good opportunity to improve theuir lives. I support the la
Staying in the comfort zone and not taking risks is some people's approach. While others are welcoming anything new. From my perspective, shifts in life make a significant contribution to success and certainly change peo
Over the last few years, some people have thought that change is good for their lives, and always do some things that are very annoying, people cannot develop themselves and do not grow their careers. Therefore maybe peo
There appears to be a lack of concurrence with the way of spending our lives. While some people argue that it’s better to do the same activities and ignore the wide range of changes in your routines, others, myself inclu
Few humans are in favour of spending their lives performing the exact activities and ignoring doing different activities. However, others think that change in life always comes with beneficial improvements. In my persp
Few humans are in the favour of expending their lives performing the exact activities and ignore to do different activities. However, the others think that change in life aways comes with benefical improvements. In my pe
There is no denying the fact that working plays a pivotal role in people’s lives. While it is a commonly held belief that it is better to change the work instead of doing the same thing, there is also an argument that so
Some people prefer to live within the current situation, while others believe that it is always good to make changes. I agree with the latter viewpoint because of alternatings bring growth, innovation, and a richer huma
over the past few decades, change has been ubiquitous. While some sections of society would rather stick to their daily routine, others embrace it with open hearts. Although the arguments on both sides are valid, I vehem
People's perspectives on embracing change in their lives vary widely. Some individuals find comfort and stability in maintaining the status quo, while others argue that change is essential for personal growth and overall
There is a view that acting the things, which are the same, and holding life without any changes is preferable by some individuals. Whereas the other part of population believe that to have something new in life is mor
Nowadays, individuals opt to do the same tasks their whole life without any different subjects, while others have been thinking about applying changes in their daily routines as vital. I believe that making changes in ou
It Certainly Cannot be denied that changes are important to live a life. The bunch of individuals think doing a same activities regularly in their whole life and stay away from changes is more convenient. while an opinio
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