IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this modern era, games are becoming popular day by day among youngster. I completely agree with the above statement that video games play a important role in education and become a mode of fun for children. On the oth
Many claim that playing video games can be useful for gamers and they also can have the time of their life. In this essay I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of playing video games.
Video games often considered as a stress relieved for some people. Some video games also provide educational purposes to the gamers. Despite the advantages that given from playing video games, some others also believe th
A group of people argue that indoor game is not detrimental for children, while others think that it has some negative effect on kids . Tow advantage of playing video games is that children can build a career and sharpen
Video games are one of the most popular leisure activities around the world. Many people believe these games not only have positive points but also because of their advantages can be used in the education system. However
Nowadays, playing video game becomes popular around the world, and people have conflicting views on whether it has more advantages or disadvantages. I would argue that the positive impacts of this leisure activity outwei
It is certainly true that video games have become one of the most important leisure activities over the last decade; however, some people think computer games may have a negative effect on users, in this essay I will dis
It is certainly true that video games have become one of the most important leisure activities over the last decade; however, some people think it may have a negative effect on users, in this essay I will discuss the neg
It is true that these days video games have become more popular among people. Hence, many people argue that these games are for enjoyment and a way to learn, whereas others believe that video games have negative aspects
Many people and children in Particular, love playing video games on their computer. Playing games can be benefitial to think in a complex way. In this essay, i will explain why i believe that there are many disadvantages
While some people tend to play computer games for recharging themselves or learning something, others hold the idea that video games impact players negatively. In my opinion, I completely consider that playing video gam
In the recent computer era, the number of people who play online games has been increasing rapidly. In accordance with the trend, there has been continous debate whether or not the phenomenon is beneficial for men and wo
It is true that many people and children love playing video games. Some people harbor a belief that these games can have a positive effect on users, while others hold the reserve viewpoint. From my perspective, they are
In this day and age, many people like to enjoy playing computer games. In spite of several benefits that this trend provides, it seems to me that its problems are more significant.
Nowadays, life expectancy is considerably higher in comparison to previous centuries, which may enable an aged population to be involved in jobs. This essay,due to such reasons as retaining an aged community to work and
While some individuals argue video games are entertaining and educational, others believe that it can have negative effects of players. Even though playing video games has some benefits, I would argue that there are more
While some individuals argue that it is entertaining and educationally beneficial to play video games, others claim that the detrimental impacts on players are more significant. Although I agree that some video games can
While some individuals argue that it is entertaining and educationally beneficial to play video games, others claim that the detrimental impacts on players are greater. Although I agree that some video games can provide
While some individuals argue that it is entertaining and educationally beneficial to play televised games, others claim that the detrimental impacts on players are greater. Although I agree that some video games can prov
over the past few years, computer games become more common among the young generation. while some people hold the view that these computer games would have detrimental effects on children, others believe that the harmful
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