IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, many people struggle to maintain a healthy balance between work and life as they have become busier with demanding lifestyles. Interestingly, there are often talks about how to manage one’s way of life and keep
It is thought by a particular part of society that it is essential to keep spaces where the person lives and works clean. Although another part of the community disagrees with my opinion, I believe that a clean environme
It is believed that keeping eveything neat and organised at home and workplace is crucial.I do agree with the opinion because of the reasons mentioned in the following.
Many people think that cleaning our surroundings makes us healthier. I strongly agree with this sentence given and in this essay, I will explain why cleaning is important to keep the house and office area tidy and organi
Keeping your surroundings clean is vital to health and make your life becoming easy leading to the place of positivism on the whole environment. I total agree with this statement that is crucial to clean and puts some t
It is considered by many that keeping home neat and tidy is vital as well as cleaned and well-arranged the stuff at the workplace. In my opinion, I strongly support this idea because it promotes safety and health in the
We spent most of our day at the workplace or at home. Therefore, some people believe that we need to organize everything properly to make our workplace or home tidy. In my opinion, I also acknowledge that a well-organize
There is no denying that it is important to remain clean and tidy with every items organized and allocated in the right place, whether in your home or work place. Although some people who feel that it is not necessary to
There is no denying that it is important to remain clean and tidy with every item organized and allocated in the right place, whether in your home or workplace. Although some people feel that it is not necessary to main
The problem of which was always debatable has now become more controversial with many people claiming that it is hazardous while others reject this notion. The substantial influence of this trend has sparked the controve
The debate around whether it is a good idea to keep our home and workplace spic and span has raged on recently. I, for one, believe this habit could be definitely beneficial. This essay delves into the issue and provides
Several individuals believe that it is vital for a person to keep their house as well as their offices neat and clean,they can do this by keeping each and everything at the right place beside this they must organise the
It is believed by some that it is vital for people to make sure that everything is well organized in their home and workplace and I agree with this.
Well, lots of people claim that workplace and home must be clean, everything arranges properly because it is a necessity, and I am also in favoured of that statement.
Keeping the surroundings clean is not only vital in the maintenance of health but also creates a positive atmosphere. Many individuals believe that it is of high importance to keep one's abode and place of work free of d
Cleanliness is next to godliness and it leads as a healthy and good life. Although, it is sometimes thought to keep home neat and clean is important and it can be done by organizing things in the correct place. In my opi
Cleanliness is next to godliness and it leads as a healthy and a good life. Although, it is sometimes thought to keep home neat and clean is important and it can be done by organizing things in the correct place. In my o
Cleanliness is next to godlinesh. Although, it is sometimes thought to keep home neat and clean is important and it can be done by organizing things in the correct place. In my opinion, I considered that home and workpla
In this present world, keeping your apartment and workspace is considered by many paramount. I totally agree with the idea that making everything in its place is very important. And this will be proven by analysing the p
It is asserted by some people that cleanliness and discipline are of great importance in regard to household chores and the workplace. I completely advocate this assertion based on some logical reasons.
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